Chapter 83: Gotham City

Start from the beginning

To her surprise she hadn't been tortured by Joker or Punchline, and to her relief none of the criminals in Joker's crew attempted to sexually abuse her, though many had given her uncomfortable looks.

Artemis had no way to track the time, but she figured it had been several days since she'd been captured. She still had no idea how it happened. One moment she was facing down Joker's gang with her teammates, ready to defend the Clocktower safehouse and the next she awoke in a dark cell.

Without any warning the hall lights activated with a low thumping sound, the buzzing of the old electrical work filled the makeshift prison and allowed the archer to see out of her new cell for the first time since arriving in it.

She pushed herself to her feet as footsteps rapidly approached, the inhibitor collar felt heavy around her neck with it emitting a dull red glow that illuminated her upper body.

The cell door suddenly slid open and Punchline stepped inside, flanked by two large men dressed in all red while wearing clown masks. Each man held a large automatic rifle and had several spare magazines attached to their belts.

Artemis: "All this for little old me?"

The only response Artemis got was a painful jolt of electricity shooting through her body. She collapsed onto the ground and cried out in pain while Punchline smiled down at her sinisterly.

Punchline: "You only speak when we give you permission to speak. Now get up. You're going to fight for your freedom."

The archer pushed herself to her feet once again, sweat dripping off her face as she drew in rapid breaths of air.

Artemis: "What… the hell are you talking… about?"

Punchline: "Emperor Joker has done some renovations to Gotham Stadium. You are going to fight your fellow heroes to the death in a gladiatorial tournament. The winner will get expelled from Gotham. Oh, and before you get any ideas. We've packed the stadium full of hostages. Any sign of resistance or hesitation on your end and we start killing the hostages in your name."

Realizing she couldn't do anything in her current situation, Artemis stood tall and allowed Punchline's guards to take her handcuffs off. The second guard handed Artemis her gear but left the inhibitor collar on. The clown faced criminal smiled once she realized Artemis was going to cooperate.

Punchline: "Good girl, now let's go see which of your friends will be killing you."


*Gotham City, financial district*

The zeta tube deactivated, allowing the alleyway to fill with darkness once again. Zatanna, Wally and (Y/n) stuck to the shadows, moving as close as they could to the street without risking being spotted.

Much to their confusion the streets were completely empty. Abandoned car were spread randomly across the streets and a cool breeze swept through the city.

Wally: "Where is everyone?"

(Y/n): "Hopefully all the civilians know enough to stay indoors and let us do our jobs. As for almost every criminal in this god forsaken city, I have no idea."

Zatanna: "Where do we start?"

(Y/n): "We need intel. I'm going to reboot ISAC and see if I can contact anyone. Watch the alley entrances."

As Wally and Zatanna moved to opposite ends of the alley, (Y/n) waited patiently for ISAC to reboot.

ISAC: "Local systems online. All subsystems are operational."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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