Chapter 10: Image and Agendas

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November 22nd

(Y/n) POV

I was working on decrypting Cadmus files. I think I've found a way to hack into them without alerting anyone at the SHD or Cadmus. The only problem is that it will take forever. ISAC's been slowly chipping away at their firewall and it could be days before I get access to anything relevant. I thought about taking my plan to Batman and running it by him first, but I refuse to believe that someone here is a traitor. I'm only doing this to confirm that there is none, or so I keep telling myself.

The truth is, the more I think about it, the more it seems possible, even likely.

Batman's voice boomed over the PA and I turned off my laptop.

Batman: "Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Vanguard, report for mission briefing."

*Small Time Skip*

Everyone Batman called stood in the training area receiving information on our mission. I changed my combat outfit to desert camouflage to fit the environment we would be fighting in. Batman was sending us to Qurac to discover the reason behind a sudden political shift. The country, currently being led by president Rumaan Harjavti, has been vigorously against the neighbouring dictatorship of Bialya for as long as I can remember. Until five days ago when Harjavti announced the two countries will reunify in accordance with a baseless claim that they were once one nation in ancient times.

The leader of Bialya, Queen Bee, has the power to enthrall most men and some women but Batman seems confident she hasn't left Bialya. So we are being sent to find out what's going on in Qurac.

Batman: "Robin, you're team leader."

Kid Flash: "Sweet, promotion."

Kid Flash held his hand up for a high five from Robin but was completely ignored. Robin seems far more disappointed than excited about his new role as team leader.

Robin: "Me? Wh-what about Aqualad?"

Batman: "Busy helping Aquaman, you're the next logical choice."

Robin: "Great..."

Kid Flash: "Dude, you totally left me hanging."

I grabbed an MK18 and boarded the bio-ship with the team. Robin didn't seem to be all too excited to lead the team.

It wasn't long until we reached Qurac.

Robin: "We're right above the Quraci-Biaylan border.

(Y/n): "Biaylan tanks and infantry are crossing the border, our 8 o'clock."

Superboy: "No opposition. Guess, Harjavti really is in bed with Bialya."

Robin: "I wouldn't expect to find opposition here, it's an animal sanctuary."

Miss Martian: "The Logan animal sanctuary?!"

Robin: "You've heard of it?"

Kid Flash: "Guys, tanks have caused a stampede. With civilians in harm's way."

Superboy: "I see them. A woman and a small boy."

Miss Martian: "We have to help them!"

Robin: "We're way off mission here."

Robin was silent for a second and I could tell he was thinking about all the ways this could go wrong and I don't blame him.

Robin: "Deploy, but stealth mode. If the Bialyans know we hit them this becomes an international incident."

Robin and I dropped out of the bio-ship and took a defensive position behind a cluster of trees. Miss Martian fired the bio-ships weapon at the Biaylan tanks disabling both of them.

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