Don't Have Too Much Stress

Start from the beginning

"BECAUSE IF WE DON'T WE'LL FUCKING LET EVERYBODY WE KNOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled The Vengeful Protectors in unison.

The Vengeful Protectors gasped and got wide-eyed at what they had just admitted as Aizawa stared at them with concerned eyes. Then The Vengeful Protectors walked away and stopped in front of a tree as they looked down at their feet as Dark Shadow looked down at them sympathetically and Aizawa walked over to them and put both hands on their shoulders.

"Is that way you push yourselves too hard when you're training yourselves?" he asked sympathetically.

"Yeah that why we do it." answered Hanta.

"We feel like we have to or else we'll fuck up everything." Denki said.

"We also don't want to lose anyone else like we lost Alania." said Toru.

"So we feel like if we push ourselves this hard and train ourselves excessively then we won't have to go through that pain again neither will anyone else." Mezo said sadly.

"You know you guys are not the only ones who gets this worried about us when we do this." said Shoto with a small smile.

"Yeah the townsfolk back at home worry alot when we do especially Imelda." Ochako said with a small smile.

"They always worry whenever we excessively train and always try to get us to shorten it." said Momo with a small smile.

"But we feel like we have no choice." Kyoka said sadly.

Then The Vengeful Protectors look down at the ground and sigh sadly. Aizawa just stared at them sadly as he began to feel even more sorry for them then he felt for them before. They really felt like they have to really push themselves like that in order to keep everyone safe. They shouldn't have to feel like  that or stress/hurt themselves.

So he gently turned them to him and smiled at them kindly.

"Look I understand why you feel like that you have to but you really don't. You don't have to excessively train like in order to keep doing the amazing things you do for innocents. You keep succeeding because of your kindness, diligence and bravery that's the reason why you do the amazing work you do and why my problem children are safe not because of the amount of training you do. Now I'am not saying you should stop training what I'am saying don't train excessively. And besides what would Alania do if she saw you pushing yourselves like this?" he said.

The Vengeful Protectors looked down at the floor and chuckled a little bit.

"She would smack us in the back of the heads and call us es stupido idiots." answered The Vengeful Protectors in unison.

"Sounds like something my mom would do." Aizawa said with a smirk as he put hands on his hips.

The Vengeful Protectors each let out a short laugh as they tossed their heads back a little bit.

"Sounds like we have something in common besides our hatred of Assmight." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison jokingly.

"Yeah we do." Aizawa said in an amused tone as he raised an eyebrow.

They all chuckled and then Aizawa put his hands back on their shoulders.

"Tell you what how about you guys train for  about two or three hours that way you get a good amount of training in and  not exhaust yourselves how does that sound?" asked Aizawa.

The Vengeful Protectors thought for a second and then smiled.

"Sounds reasonable." they said in unison.

"Good." said Aizawa with a proud grin.

Then The Vengeful Protectors and Aizawa started to walk back inside the school as he patted their backs and petted Dark Shadow. This made The Vengeful Protectors and Dark Shadow smile at him and he smiled back. For some reason The Vengeful Protectors felt like that they could trust him and not just in a sense that he was one of the heroes that they respected and admired the most but in a way that they could open up to him about anything and they also felt very comfortable around him. They couldn't describe this feeling but it felt very good and warm.

As they all entered the school the UA students and rest of the staff (minus All Might) looked at them.

"Well?" they asked in unison concerningly.

"They all agreed to train for only about two or three hours a day." answered Aizawa.

The rest of the staff sighed and smiled in relif.

"Thank goodness." said the UA students said in unison and in relif.

"Awwwwwwwww were you kids worried about us?" The Vengeful Protectors asked in unison as they smirked, folded their arms across their chests and raised eyebrows.

This made the ones that have crushes on them gasp and blush. And then they looked down at the floor and move their feet a little bit.

"Ummmmmm well ummmmmm what it is ummmmm you see ummmmm we......... stuttered the UA students that had crushes on them.

"Hey don't be embarrassed it's cute." The Vengeful Protectors chuckled.

The ones with crushes on them hid their faces while they all turned bright red and screamed into their hands. This made The Vengeful Protectors giggle and the rest of the UA students and the staff smile at their very adorable reactions.

Then they approached all of the UA students and petted their heads which made the ones who have crushes on them remove their faces out of their hands.

"Hey for real it's really sweet and cute that you were worried about us and we appreciate it. It shows that you care about us so thank you." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison kindly.

This made the UA students smile as they nodded their heads as if saying you're welcome. Then The Vengeful Protectors smiled and gave them all motherly/fatherly kisses on the heads which made the UA staff smile at this.

"Well now that's all settled how about you all relax in the common room with us before you all return to your house?" Inko asked.

"Good idea." answered The Vengeful Protectors in unison as they smiled at her.

Then they all started to walk to the common room and the UA students and staff all very happy that The Vengeful Protectors weren't going to stress themselves out that badly anymore and feel like they had to push themselves like that in order to keep them and others safe like they always had and always will.

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