UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 4

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As the rest of the UA students kept chasing Shoto, Tenya, Mez9 Mashiro throughout the fake city they had even more thoughts running in circles around their minds. They had already taken out even more of their friends even The Big Three!!!!!! The top students of the entire school!!!!!!!! They knew that now they had to bring even more of their A game.

A couple minutes later they lost Shoto, Tenya, Mezo and Mashiro. After a couple more minutes of running they all stopped to take a breath and collect their thoughts.

"Ay dios mio The Vengeful Protectors are really fucking good." said Camillo.

"I know right they even took down Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki senpais barely anyone's able to do that!!!!!!!" Mirabel exclaimed.

"We have to come up with a plan to throw them off guard." said the five anthro cats in unison.

"That sounds like the smart thing to do." Awase said.

"How are we gonna do that though?" asked Miles.

"Guys come on think." Izumi said.

Then they all started to think about a new plan on how they were gonna throw The Vengeful Protectors off guard. A couple minutes later Setsuna smiled.

"Guys I've got a plan!!!!!!" exclaimed Setsuna.

"What is it Setsuna?" the rest of the UA students asked in unison.

"Ok we can't keep fighting them like we have so far and if we can't capture them we'll retreat and ambush them repeatedly it might be the only way to have an advantage over them and I know just how we're gonna do it." answered Setsuna as she kneeled down and the others fallowed suit.

And then she explained her plan on how they were gonna make it work and after she told them about it they smiled.

"Setsuna that's brilliant!!!!!!!!" they exclaimed.

"Thanks it might be the only to slow down those sexy beasts." said Setsuna with a smirk as she closed her eyes.

"I know right those spicy hotties won't know what hit'em." Camillo said.

"Can you make your crush on them anymore obvious?" asked Togaru and Mirabel in unison with amused smirks and raised eyebrows.

Setsuna and Camillo smirked as Setsuna leaned over Togaru's ear and Camillo leaned over Mirabel's ear.

"I could say the same thing about your crush on Mira/Togaru." they whispered in unison.

Togaru and Mirabel blushed as they shoved Setsuna and Camillo a bit.

"Shut the fuck up." groaned Togaru and Mirabel in unison.

Setsuna and Camillo chuckled and then they all stood up.

"Ok Katie, Victoria, Mistoffelees, Jemima, Pouncival, Miles and Gwen could you guys see who's coming?" Izumi asked.

"Sure thing." answered the seven kids.

The five anthro cats summoned their wings and flew up and Miles and Gwen shot up some spider webs to pull themselves up to see who's coming. A couple minutes later they landed on the ground.

"Guys Katsuki, Hanta, Kyoka and Rikkido dead ahead." they answered.

"All right let's go." said Setsuna.

The rest of UA students nodded and fallowed her.

"So Setsuna how are we gonna make sure they don't catch us first?" asked Gwen.

"We'll take'em by surprise the early bird gets the worm." Setsuna answered.

"Great idea Setsuna!!!!!!" exclaimed Hal.

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