Infiltration group

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Credits to Imtrav
I do not own this faction

•The Republican Universal Legion
•Xialocust Ximbians

Military Branch:
•The 90th Legionnaire
Iron Fist of the Legion

Organizations Type:

During 2116, an unidentified source coming from the Orion Belt has been producing millions of combat droids, raging war against the United Nations. Controlled by R (not a synth), these droids would be programmed by a central supercomputer on Avalon. Less droids would be mass-produced, such as the ALT-02 Heavy Droid and the CC-LL Commando Droids.
ill continue
like, soon
Planets on multiple star systems would be colonized for the production of their droids, which were mined, used, and destroyed.
Seeing the United Nations as capitalist pigs, they decided to keep their identity hidden during the early days of their formation.
In the month of August, 2116
They have successfully captured most territories on the outer rim.
They now advance toward the deep core.
They manufacture small Dyson spheres for G-type sequence stars such as the Sun, while this R has been producing multiple star cruisers and control ships regarding this act.

They tend to infiltrate, destroy, or colonize planets and ship them as their own. For ships, they use giant pods with tentacles that can speed up to 975 kph. They also use giant drills to pierce the hull of the starship.

After many years of them waging war with the nation, they took notice of the Legion's presence. With R learning its knowledge about them, they thought of forming an alliance with them so it would send in its fleet to visit the city planet as it hijacked one of the legion's systems. It announced itself to the public that they don't mean harm and that they are here to have a peace treaty with the main leader.

The machine waited for him to arrive as it noticed there was a shuttle arriving at its starship. It entered the ship as it landed. R waited for his presence; a smoke of cold air would flow down from the shuttle's entrance as the zagh walked down from his shuttle.
After a long period of the meeting, the two had shook hands, becoming allies, and both of them also hated the United Nations. with both having a trade federation and providing support to the war, and R learning the presence and being the true leader of the legion after being trusted for many years.

In the year 2217, The Infiltration We'ret officially became the backbone of an infiltration group to fend off enemy holdouts, with some small proportions of them sent into a different universe to aid the Xialocusts battle against the anarchists. The infiltration had also established their facilities and holdouts to the other universes that they're located in. Occasionally, the infiltrator has grown its army and power over the years, with R and Zagh being friends.

The Establishment of the Infiltration (year: 2241):
With the infiltrator growing bigger, they had several problems within the anarchists; they had been destroying some of their factories that we've built in universes 267, 89, and 113. Their weapon rates we're rating down badly with the lack of production of their droids going decreasingly lower. With R being slain by Kauna, the descendant of the grandfather of the anarchist, he attempted a surprise attack on the hidden starship. The Second In Command droid unit was planning to shut down the entire droid army of the infiltration but was eventually stopped by Zagh. He was associated with donating resources and reinforcing their factories and facilities. The infiltration soon noticed that their Droids model was very old; it had many technical issues within their coding, but with the help of Dr. Ezleith. She had helped the Command Droid remodel the regular Combat Droid. After many ground tests, we've experimented with the droid's capabilities, with the final stage of the new combat droid being successful compared to the old version. With better weaponry and better coding, the infiltration had thrived against Navsoc's emissary on Planet Avalon. The starship was eventually destroyed by a surprise attack with the use of the Legion's emo systems. Though many survivors from the emissary proceeded to hide in the forest's of Avalon, with the new group of special forces, the infiltrator sent in a group of droid hunters to eliminate every single one of them. With the command of Droids, he became the new leader of the entire Droids army.

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