Acting Bad

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(A/N- Did someone say update lol I told y'all we going 10/10 👏 here's the remaining 5 enjoy beloveds!! Ezra is now 1 years old)

Faye POV

6 months later

Me- Dave!

I walked in the room not seeing him making my way to his cave

Me- daddy?

Damn where his ass go

I walked in the living room where the kids were at

Me- babies y'all seen daddy

Layla- he in the backyard Queen was stuck on something Rock ran in here tripping

Me- oh man okay thank you baby

I went out and Dave was cleaning Queen paw and Rock was checking all around her

Me- is she okay baby

Dave- yeah she was stuck on something in her house I threw that bitch out it was cutting her paw Rock was acting an ass

Me- omg you okay mama

I rubbed her head

Me- you need me to order a new one

Dave- Alex on his way to get one now

Me- okay good

Dave- sit Rock, let me finish man, I get it relax

He sat down impatiently

I went over to rubbed him and calm him now

Me- it's okay man

Dave- alright gone head man

He sniffed all around her

Dave pulled me into him

Dave- wasup mamas

Me- I was looking for you

Dave- you alright

Me- yeah I was just seeing what you were doing

Dave- yeah come see about yo baby

Me- lol your so irritating, what you doing today

Dave- I gotta run to the trap later tonight I shouldn't be all night

Me- okay i'm about to take Easton to get his football stuff imma take Essex and Ezra with me

Dave- alright mama Kobi and Kairi staying with Rain

Me- lol yeah she told me you tried to come steal them and she left the house

Dave- ay i'm sick of her why I pull up Riq like East they dipped out gang she saw yo location I text her like im on yo head she talking the person you trying to reach not in service

Me- lol let her have her nieces

Dave- she only getting one more day i'm trying to take all my babies out 

We walked back in the house going to the kitchen

Me- Layla

She walked in

Me- what you doing today

Layla- imma chill here

Dave- where Tay at

Layla- he said he had some business then he gone be home hopefully to sleep since he act like he so on go

Me- lol yeah I'll let him know you in here sneak dissing him

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