A Million Miles

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Dave POV

Faye left out with Ezra and Essex she needed to go to target and Essex wasn't letting up

I walked in the kitchen seeing the trash was still full

Me- Easton why that trash not out my house

Easton- I was about to pop

Me- that should have been done before you got yo game setup

Easton- I hear you

Me- Get punched lil nigga

He got up immediately going to take the trash out

I walked upstairs to check on my girls

Me- hey daddy babies

Kobi- hey dada

Kairi- hey dad

Me- what y'all doing, y'all need anything

Kobi- we okay mama made us lunch

Kairi- oh yeah I still need a smoothie from tropical smoothie a bahama mama

Me- lol I got you mama

I kissed they heads going to check on Layla

I walked in she was on facetime with Tay she growing up so fast and I can already see how in love she is they remind me of me and mamas so I can only see this getting deep for them two

Yeah it might be time for my talk

Layla- okay call me once you get back I mean it

Tay- I got you baby I love you Lay

Layla- I love you Tayvion

She ended the call

Me- wassup girl

Layla- hey dad

I walked in sitting on her couch

Me- how you doing

Layla- im doing good how you doing

Me- i'm doing good im scared you just growing up on me Lay

Layla- lol im still your little girl dad

Me- trust me I know but I wanted to talk to you

She turned facing me in her bed

Layla- im listening

Me- you in love Lay?

Layla- I think I am it's not a moment that goes by that i'm not thinking about him or want to be near him it just reminds me of the love you and mommy share I don't think I can be without him dad

Me- I understand that feeling very well I know we talked before but know you can come to me about whatever you know im gone be open I need to know that if you think this thing is taking y'all to a point where y'all need to explore a deeper part of each other you come talk to me or mamas about it

Layla- sex dad

Me- alright Lay damn I can't be discrete about it

Layla- lol my fault old man but of course he has already said he would never go there unless we both have talked to you about it and he knows I have to talk to you about everything so that's my word I got you

Me- man you was just three Lay

A tear fell from both our eyes

Layla- that was the best day of my life dad

Me- mine to Lay I'd go back a million times and still choose you and mamas you know that

We hugged and I kissed her forehead

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