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In the morning

I walked in from trap shit going straight to shower I was so annoyed I just wanted to take all my shit out in Faye but she gone be pissed once I tell her we were both over this shit, especially her cause she gets worried as hell

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I walked in from trap shit going straight to shower I was so annoyed I just wanted to take all my shit out in Faye but she gone be pissed once I tell her we were both over this shit, especially her cause she gets worried as hell

Me-Hey mamas

Faye- hey daddy you okay

Me- Same shit niggas getting cocky up north and they plotting they took out 2 of my soldiers but I ain't trying to do the tick for tact shit with them or play games so I've been on that all night

Me- Same shit niggas getting cocky up north and they plotting they took out 2 of my soldiers but I ain't trying to do the tick for tact shit with them or play games so I've been on that all night

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Her sexy ass

Faye- Dave im so over these weak-ass niggas

Me- Faye I said we working on it

Faye- how long that's gone take Dave

Me- I need to do it this way to kill all birds with one stone mama but it's handled

Faye- okay Dave then you need to figure the shit out quickly we don't have time for niggas trying to get close and harm what's ours I'll be damned if something happens to you or my babies

Me- you right mama I'm handling it I swear everybody working you trust me

Faye- with everything in me these motherfuckers just want your spot so bad they really be doing anything

Me- and I'm with all the shits mama so imma continue to correct every one of these niggas

Faye- heard ju

I knew her attitude was still there but shit in motion it's always some dumb niggas that think they gone take my spot and they start plotting niggas start talking and it gets back to me im just trying to find the last location before I disrupt they whole organization im not playing no kill for kill start a war with my people I want access to all they shit and knock the head off the body and watch everything crumble so I get Faye frustration she wants it handled immediately and so do I. I just want to get it over with all at once im over this shit

Me- you going in

Faye- yeah I got a few meetings lined up for today

Me- alright mama I need to hang with the babies today

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