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"Quick grab a towel! The foal is breathing but it needs to be dried off FAST!"

That was what the foal first heard after birth. The foal felt somethings rubbing up her back and belly. The object was warm and soft, and the foal was getting warmer by the second. After a few minutes the foal let out a little bleat.

"The foal is safe for now, if the winter doesn't get to her." The same man that only a few minutes before was yelling for a towel. "What should we name her?"

A few people started mentioning names that meant nothing to the foal, but once a little baby gave a cry that sounded like 'Santa' the foal once again gave a little bleat.

"It is almost Christmas so how about Santa Maria?" The woman holding the baby said.

The foal once again gave a little nicker.

"Santa Maria it is!"

"Let's celebrate with some hot chocolate," the man said, and the others gave approving nods.

"I'll stay and watch over the foal," one of the stable hands who had witnessed the birth said.

"Good idea, and we'll bring you back something," the man told the stable hand. "Oh! Also, since we don't have any foal blankets, can you grab a regular one from the loft?" he asked, and the stable hand nodded, then walked briskly out of the foaling barn, towards the loft in the other barn, while the small crowd headed inside to the warm house for cocoa.

The filly looked at her new legs, and decided to try them out. She maneuvered her hind legs under her, then stretched her front legs out in front of her. She pushed off with her back legs, and stood up for about 5 seconds, then toppled over in a heap of black fur.

As she started to try again, she heard her dam give a grunt, and she looked over. Her dam was still lying down, but suddenly, there was another foal! The filly was confused. How could there be two of her?

Her dam started licking the other filly, and Santa Maria nickered to the other one. The other foal looked right back at Santa Maria, and gave a joyful squeal. Santa Maria decided that she liked this happy filly, and tried her best to hobble over to her. When she managed to make it to her dam and new friend, she felt tired, and laid down next to the other black filly, with their dam watching over them.

When the stable hand returned, he opened the stall door quietly and carefully, hoping the mare would let him close enough to her baby to put the blanket on. He tip toed over, and the mare eyed him, as if to say 'If you hurt my little one, I will hurt you.' He smiled, and murmured sweet talk to the mare. He was about to lay the blanket on the filly, when he noticed that there were two. Two fillies. Twins!


A/N: hi readers! we hope u like this prologue! the plot will be up soon, we just have to figure a few things out. but we have figured enough out to post this, so stay tuned for the next chapter!

~katered7books and Rainyawesome

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