my girls (pt. 2)

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Nothing super interesting or over the top happens, just fluff of y/n, matt, and addison being a family :)

A light tug on my arm was enough to wake me up. Ever since I had Addison I've turned into a light sleeper, before even the harshest weather wouldn't disrupt my slumber.

"Mommy," Her small voice trembled and I opened my eyes, seeing her standing at the side of my bed, "I'm scared," Tears rolled down her cheeks and I moved my body to the side, nudging Matt over as I did.

"C'mere, baby." She climbed into my bed and I pulled the blankets over her. She didn't hesitate to snuggle right into my chest, clutching her teddy bear close.

Matt's arm adjusted around me and he hesitated for a second, feeling another body with us, "Y/n?" He picked his head up and peaked over my shoulder, "What happened?"

"There's monsters in my room," Addison cried to him. He lifted his hand and began combing through her hair gently, "I'm scared."

"It's okay," He tried calming her down, "They can't get in mom and dad's room." It's been around three months since she's entered his life and he's proudly claimed the dad title. He stepped up and became the father she deserves, constantly reminding her that he's not going anywhere.

"Really?" I wiped a tear before it could fall from her eye. My room was dimly lit by the Netflix screen that asked if we were still watching and that was enough to see her doe eyes look at him.

"Really." He promised.

"Close your eyes," I told her, "You and Brownie need sleep." Brownie was her stuffed bear that I got her for her third birthday, "I love you."

"I love you," She said to me, "I love you, daddy."

"I love you too, peanut." Matt replied. I'm not sure where the nickname came from, but he adores it and she thinks it's the silliest thing, often times calling him the same thing back.

It didn't take her long to fall back asleep, soft snores leaving her lips.


My limbs stretched and I felt the vacant spots that were once occupied by my boyfriend and daughter. I opened my eyes, seeing my bedroom now empty.

"Matt?" I asked, silence, "Addie?" Panic filled my body. I was always one to think of the worst possible outcome first, so my legs acted before my brain could process what I was doing. I tripped out of my bed, barely catching myself, "Addison!?"

I checked the bathroom as I passed it, empty. My body then rushed to her room, instant relief and a deep breath leaving my body as I opened the door, "Oh, thank god."

"Mommy, look!" Addison pointed to Matt excitedly, who was sitting on the floor building a bed, "Daddy got me a new bed so no monsters can go under it!"

I looked at the clock on her wall, nearly ten, "When did you find time to buy a bed?" I'm usually awake at the slightest sound, so I was amazed that they snuck out of the house without me hearing.

"We went as soon as she woke up," Matt answered as he continued building, "I bought another car seat too so that way I have one for her in my car."

"It's pink!" Addison was still over the moon that she got a new bed. It was the type of bed that looked like a castle with drawers. That way, as promised, no monsters could sneak underneath.

"It is!" I said excitedly, "Matt, this thing is huge." It was a bit over the top, but I expected nothing less from him, "Do you want help?"

"No, it's okay." He stopped building to look up at me, "You two go eat." I walked over and bent down, placing a kiss onto his cheek before grabbing Addie's hand and bringing her to the kitchen for breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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