Checking You Out

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Albus has been observing the blonde haired man for weeks ever since his schedule got changed.

This was mainly due to the fact he was unsure of how to approach Scorpius, so he would keep himself busy at work and keep glancing over at the boy whenever he wasn't dealing with other library patrons.

Albus can't help but get distracted anytime Scorpius is within his sight. His coworker keeps telling him that he should go up and talk to him, but Albus always gets too anxious to do so.

The most they ever talk is when Albus is lucky enough to be the one checking people's books out. Even then he mainly stays quiet in fear that he'll fumble over his words.

Albus feels bad for not being talkative. Especially on the days Scorpius tries to engage in light conversation, asking him about any books he recommends, the weather, and even about work.

The library's doorbell jingles, pulling him out of his over complicated thoughts as he turns his head towards the door and notices Scorpius walk in.

Albus gets all flustered at the sight of him. He can barely breathe as he watches him walk inside, a bit nervous about talking to him. He's never been good with talking to people, especially when it comes to people he likes.

He just stays behind the desk, hoping that he doesn't have to talk to any other patrons so he can keep an eye on Scorpius.

Today was a lucky day for Albus for two reasons. First was the fast that today was a slow day for the library. Second, he's working at the counter today which means he'll get another interaction with Scorpius.

Albus takes a deep breath and waits for Scorpius to come up to the counter. He can feel the heat rising to his cheeks and the nerves in his stomach as he waits for him to get there.

He can hear the sound of footsteps approaching, and soon he spots Scorpius walking over to him. He feels his heart beating faster, but he tries to stay calm before he greets him.

As Scorpius gently places the books he collected on the counter Albus can't help but stare at him. This guy is hot. Really really hot. Albus can't help thinking to himself.

The more Albus looks at him, the more he begins to think to himself that this is the most attractive person he has seen in his life. He can't help but notice every little detail about him, from his piercing grey eyes, to his blonde hair, and even his hands.

Albus is getting so lost in thought that he barely realizes that Scorpius has said something.

"What was that?" he asks quietly, shaking himself out of his thoughts. He clears his throat a few times, trying to calm his nerves before returning his gaze up onto Scorpius.

"Are you checking me out?" Scorpius asks the librarian while taking a mental note of his name on his name tag.

"Huh?" Albus's face immediately turns red. "Oh no, no I'm not. Nope definitely not." He begins to tap his fingers on the counter nervously.

"Oh? I always return my books on time. Is there a specific reason I can't check these out today?" He asks clueless.

"Oh no, no no it's not that." Albus stammers, his face still flustered. "It's just... uh, it's just that…" his voice trails off as he thinks of what he's even trying to say.

"I just…" he stops talking as he finds it hard to finish his sentence. "I'm so sorry. I um- I made a mistake. You're all good to check these out today."

Scorpius gives him a smile as Albus begins to quickly scan all of his books. "Thank you Albus." After collecting all of his books in his hands Scorpius adds one last thing before leaving the library.

"Too bad you weren't checking me out, I thought you were cute." As he walks out all Albus can do is stare at him with a flushed face.

Albus's face turns red as he realizes what Scorpius had said. "Wait, what?" he manages to get out, but he's too slow to catch him.

He can only stand there, his face still flushed with embarrassment. But as he watches him leave, he can't help but feel a bit of a silly, dumb grin on his lips.

Luck must have been on his side however because as he looks back down at the counter he notices a small piece of paper with a number and name on it. Scorpius's name and number.

Now today was a lucky day for three reasons.

Checking You Out | Albus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now