Chapter 2(PORCH)

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Adelaide's POV

I was outside and on the porch sitting down on a little fuzzy rug I got from my room, I was waiting to see the sunset. It was one of my favorite things to do. since I didn't have any friends, finding things that I like was very easy for me.

I heard muffled loud music and looked at the house more like a Mansion at the side of the White small picket fence that belonged to us. Cars coming in and some noise could be heard coming from inside. I have never been to a party before but I knew this party was not like an ordinary one.

I went back to my sunset but found it hard to concentrate because of the sound of people shouting,i stood up and took my rug and just decided to watch it from the living room window, I went it and put my rug on the floor and sat down on it looking outside the medium sized window near the door. My mom was at work now and won't be back till 11:30 sometimes later in the night so I was the only one at home for now.

I contemplated calling adrielle but I knew better, she was studying a hard course and would most likely be reading if I called her so I just stayed I wondered how it would be if I had friends but shook it off. I grew bored and went to the old school television we had gotten from an auction 2 years ago, we didn't have a lot of appliances Heck I didn't even have a phone, Mom said I will get one when I go to university or college . I put it on and used the buttons on the side of the tv and changed it to the only kids channel on it and sat down on the couch facing it.

After a few hours, I checked the time to see it was 9:17 so I decided to go and make something for me to eat. I made some noodles that was on the counter that my mom put there in case I was hungry. I sat down on the couch and ate my beautifully made noodles and heard a knock, I was about to finish my plate when the knock was heard again, even louder this time. I wasn't expecting anyone And my mom had keys so i knew this wasn't her. I got up and looked through the window because we didn't have a peephole.

I saw someone I didn't expect to see....


I was confused but excited at the same time.adrielle rarely comes to see us,I knew she was busy but the times she comes to visit I really Cherish it.i went towards the door and unlocked the built in lock and open it and I looked slightly up at the most beautiful girl I know. Adrielle wasn't like me or mom she had reddish brown hair that made her look a little like a red head if placed well in the sunlight and freckled hazel eyes(it's real alright),she had a small smile but I could tell she wasn't very happy. Before I knew it I hugged her so tightly around her waist and she hugged me back with the same passion. She was tall sitting at a 5'7 but it only added to her attractiveness.

"What are you doing here Ellie" I said breaking our hug and looking into her eyes. But something was off she didn't look at me in the eyes but I could tell she was upset because of her very moist eyes.

"U-uhm, is Mom home?". She said looking at the window facing the house.

"No she isn't, she is coming home soon though"Adrielle was always the brave one between us, I don't think I have ever seen her shed a tear even after what has happened to us but the look on her face was foreign to me and i wanted to know why.

"Can I come in", she said facing me finally after dodging my eyes for a long time.

"Of course, it's your house too silly", I said to make the atmosphere a little less tense and it worked because I saw her lips turning upwards in a little smile gracing her proportional face .

I walked back inside and she walked in too, with the little dangling light in the house I could make out what she was wearing, a body hug black top that stops just at her hips and low waisted dark blue washed jeans making a little of her tummy show. She had on white sneakers that she put off at the side of the door before entering leaving her with navy blue socks .

She looked beautiful.

She was prettier than me, I knew that for a fact. She looked around and made a slight chuckle. "Much hasn't changed".

"No it hasn't, mom doesn't really have the time to redecorate anything".i walked to the couch and sat down on it with a plop and she came and sat down beside me.

"Adrielle ?", I looked at her as she was looking at the table far too long. She snapped her neck at me so fast I thought her neck would come off.

"Mm" she said looking at me adorning the small smile she came with.

"Are you okay?" I said looking at her face, she dropped her smile and opened her mouth to say something but we heard the door open.

"Adelaide,I have told you several times to not leave the door unlocked, I don't know why you don't lis-".Mom comes in with a frown on her face but stops talking when she sees Adrielle.

"E-ellie, what are you doing here?" Mom said with the same look of confusion as me when I saw adrielle at the window.

"Momma I-i have to talk to you, it's really urgent "adrielle says standing up while looking at me, I could tell immediately I wasn't needed in the conversation.

"Addy honey ,why don't you go upstairs to your room while I talk to your sister ok?" Mom says to me but I didn't want to be in my room alone and doing nothing,I wanted to be apart of this conversation, I wanted to be apart of this family.

"But mom, can I please stay I really want to be apart of this". Mom looks at me with a stern expression and I immediately feel tensed.

"Adelaide Rose, I am serious go to your room now" I immediately stand up straight and look at adrielle and she looks up at me apologetically, I immediately cower up the stairs but not towards my room,I lean just above the handle so they could not see me,I know eavesdropping is not good but I just can't help myself.

I leaned down and I could hear my mother sigh "Adelaide I know you are there, Room now!".

I squeaked and immediately went to my room shutting the door in the process,guess I won't be getting some tea. I looked to my window and I saw the sky was very beautiful with silver stars scattered around. I looked up at  Luca's window and could see him dressing up, I immediately get flustered and looked down then I looked up again and saw a girl walking towards him then he wrapped a hand around her waist and then she kissed him. She was fine and very attractive she had straight light blonde hair and brown eyes and I felt my heart sink down.

I knew he was way out of my league so I didn't know why it bothered me so much when I knew it would never work between us I stood up and turned my room lights off and changed to my Harvey and the beaks pajamas I got some time ago and went to bed .

Tomorrow is going to be a long day.


QOTC: What is your favorite cartoon?
Mine is - Amazing world of gumball.

Bye cookies 🍪

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