The few boxes that needed some more time to find a place for were put in the guest room. After working for a few hours they resigned to relax for the evening. They both still had the next week to find a place for everything and settle.

As they sat together on the couch, surrounded by the comfort of familiarity, Jane couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. Boston was where they belonged, where they had built a life together, and she was grateful to be back in the city she loved with the woman she loved by her side.

Beacon settled into her dog bed surrounded by her toys and promptly fell asleep. She had continued darting in between every box weaving back and forth until they were forced to find her box to unpack everything to keep her occupied.

Maura laughed as Jane tried to reason with the pup about playing by herself for a little bit while they continued to move boxes to the correct rooms.

Maura leaned her head against Jane's shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "I'm so glad we decided to come back, Jane. This feels right."

Jane wrapped her arm around Maura, pulling her close as she pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Me too, Maura. Me too."

Maura glanced over at Jane, studying the way the fading light played across her features, casting shadows that danced across her face. There was a tenderness in her gaze as she reached out to gently touch Jane's hand. Maura tried to hold it in longer but couldn't help wanting to continue the earlier conversation in the car.

"Jane, can I ask you something?" Maura's voice was soft, almost hesitant, betraying the weight of the question she was about to pose.

Jane turned to look at her, her eyes curious. "Of course, Maura. You can ask me anything."

Maura took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Have you ever... thought about having children?"

Jane's brow furrowed in surprise at the unexpected question. She took a moment to consider Maura's words before responding. "I mean, yeah, I guess I've thought about it before. But with everything that's happened... I never really gave it much serious thought."

Maura nodded, her gaze turning thoughtful. "I've been thinking about it a lot lately. About what it would be like to have a family, to raise a child together."

Jane's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat at the implication of Maura's words. "Are you saying... what I think you're saying?"

Maura met Jane's gaze, her expression earnest. "Yes, Jane. I'm saying that I want us to seriously consider the possibility of starting a family together."

A wave of emotion washed over Jane as the weight of Maura's words sank in. The idea of raising a child with the woman she loved filled her with a sense of joy and excitement she hadn't felt in a long time. "Maura, I... I would love nothing more than to have a family with you."

Maura smiled, a radiant expression that lit up her entire face. "Really?"

Jane reached out to take Maura's hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Really. I can't think of anything I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you, raising a family together."

Maura couldn't help with the surprise look that took over her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Did you think I would answer differently?" Jane replied as she smiled.

"Well" Maura paused still looking surprised "Maybe"

"Maur, how could I not want a family with you. I just didn't want to have the conversation in the car. I wanted to be able to watch your face as you heard my answers." Jane smiled leaning in to kiss Maura's lips.

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