Next Steps

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The car was packed with Maura, Jane and Beacon piled in the car for the drive back to Boston. The moving company had picked up most of their boxes that morning and would meet them in Boston.

Jane was in the driver's seat of the Mercedes as they pulled onto the interstate. Maura glanced back at Beacon who settled into the backseat and back at Jane. This was her entire life practically sitting in this car.

"Jane," Jane looked toward Maura as she reached out to put her hand on Maura's knee. "What do you see is the next step for us?"

Jane smiled "Well I see us back in Boston, with me now in leadership with BPD, family dinners, movie nights, you taking more on with MEND. I don't know for sure, but I am happy to be going forward with this with you. What do you think our next step is?"

Maura smirked a little "I could see our family growing."

"Like another pup, Maura, Beacon almost has too much energy for us now." Jane looked a bit puzzled

Maura just stayed silent. Jane glanced back and forth at Maura and the road for a few moments.

Jane's thoughts ran wild. She knew these conversations would come especially after they got married. They had stayed so busy with adjusting to everything new after the wedding that they didn't really consider this next step. Angela had always asked these questions but now Maura was asking. If Jane had thought back on their relationship she knew a part of her was always ready for this step with Maura but now in this moment it was becoming real.

"Maur, I know what you are referencing. This is not me trying to get out of this conversation or avoid it but can we table this until we are back home in Boston?" Jane looked at Maura as she finished the statement.

"Sure Jane" Maura said sort of dejected but vowed to herself that she would bring this up soon. This was the next step Maura was ready for, she couldn't explain it exactly but her internal clock was calling for this next step.

The rest of the car ride they talked about different restaurants they wanted to try again and all of the things they could now plan to do once back in Boston. The majority of their conversation staying light.

After spending over a year in Virginia, working tirelessly to solve cases and make a difference, they had made the decision to return to Boston, to the place where it all began.

As they pulled up to Maura's Beacon Hill home, Jane couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over her. This place held so many memories for them, both good and bad, but it was also where their journey together had started, where they had become more than just colleagues. Beacon barked as they pulled in the driveway.

Maura glanced over at Jane, her eyes soft with affection as she reached out to take her hand. "We're finally home, Jane."

Jane smiled, a sense of contentment settling over her as she squeezed Maura's hand in return. "Yeah, it feels good to be back."

They made their way into the house, the familiar surroundings wrapping around them like a warm embrace. It didn't take long for them to settle in, unpacking boxes and making the space their own once again.

Maura worked quickly to unpack most boxes knowing with her exceptional organization. Jane served most as the workhorse carrying boxes to the different rooms and then removing the empty boxes to the trash.

Jane's man cave was to be moved to the basement. Maura had already pictured the furniture she would get to help it feel homey for Jane. Maura had noticed in Virginia the man cave became a place of refuge for Jane and she wanted to make sure that was not lost in the move.

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