Yours, Mine and Ours

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the city skyline, Maura and Jane sat together in the cozy comfort of their living room, the soft glow of candlelight flickering around them. The events of the day had been a whirlwind of joy and celebration, but now, in the quiet moments of the evening, they found themselves lost in each other's company.

Jane grabbed a beer and Maura's glass of wine and joined her on the sofa. Maura still unable to keep her eyes off the gorgeous ring.

"You know your ring has a special story tied directly from our families to us." Jane said as she kissed Maura on the lips.

Maura looked up curious as Jane began to explain.

Jane had shopped for what felt like ages but never finding the perfect ring. She had remembered that Maura had once stated she wanted her future ring to not extend too much ff her finger in order for her to be able to wear it under her exam gloves at work. Jane knew it needed to shine a bit also but every ring just felt cold and with no connection to her or Maura. While in a small boutique she mentioned to the jeweler some ideas and he suggested maybe creating a custom ring in order to achieve the connection to their lives she wanted. He also suggested maybe incorporating some stones from family pieces if available.

Jane knew that was the route she wanted to take. She knew the exact diamond from her family she wanted to include. A pendant passed down from her maternal grandmother which she received shortly after graduating high school. Although she never had much of an occasion to wear the piece it was stunning. This would give Maura's ring a connection to Jane and Jane's family worn on her finger to remind her daily when she looked at the ring.

The next gem needed to somehow tie into Maura's family. This proved to be a bit harder than Jane thought. Maura had many pieces of exquisite jewelry but Jane couldn't know which held a family connection without asking questions which would cause an ever curious Maura to find out what Jane was planning. So Jane took this opportunity to write a letter to Constance. She wrote explaining she was trying to design a piece of jewelry for Maura but omitting the fact that the piece of jewelry was an engagement ring. To her surprise she received a response from Constance with a small package that contained a set of earrings she had worn on her first date with Arthur. Constance told of the local art theater they attended a play at followed by dinner at a local French restaurant her and Arthur enjoyed. Jane's eyes teared as she read the letter knowing this engagement ring would honor Maura in every way she deserved.

With the family stones secured she visited the small boutique and talked to the jeweler, picking out settings and arranging the stone layout. They placed a new stone in the center for the life they would begin together in this new stage of their relationship. On the left hand side was Jane's family diamond to remind Maura of the love and support from Jane and her family. On the right hand side was Constance's diamond from one of her earring to depict the love and support from Maura's family. Together all three stones were almost in an infinity sign to express that Jane and Maura's love would be never-ending.

Maura's eyes had tears running down her cheeks as Jane told the ring and their story.

"I wanted your ring to remind you everyday of family. From our past into the family we are currently building." Jane said a stray tear running from her eye as she wiped Maura's tear stained cheeks.

Maura put her wine glass down on the coffee table and straddled Jane's laps pulling her lips into a deep kiss. Jane deepened the kiss further by pulling Maura's body as close to hers as possible.

After a very long passionate kiss, Maura leaned back looking at Jane. "I too knew not long after we decided to move from friendship to relationship that you were the one. That you were the last person I would date, because you were the only person I wanted to marry."

Jane smiled attempting to pull Maura in for another kiss just as Maura got up and started towards upstairs.

"Wait just a minute, Jane, I will be right back." Maura yelled over her shoulder as she ran up the stairs."

Jane just sat on the sofa pulling a long drag from her beer more confused than ever.

Maura returned quickly but stopped just short of getting back in Jane's lap.

"Jane," Maura said softly, her blue eyes shimmering with emotion. "I have something for you."

Jane's heart fluttered with anticipation as she opened the box, revealing a stunning platinum band nestled inside. The band was simple yet elegant, its smooth surface with a diamond embedded completely into the ring.

"It's beautiful, Maura," Jane breathed, her voice filled with awe.

It was just as Jane had described when they talked the one night regarding ring preferences.

Maura took Jane's hand in hers, her touch gentle and reassuring. "This stone was in one of the first diamond pendant necklaces I received. I wore it all the time throughout med school and residency. I had the diamond inlaid to a platinum band remembering you wanted something practical you could wear everyday. I wanted your ring to have a piece of me and while I wore this diamond close to my heart know that you carry a piece of my heart with you everyday now."

Tears welled up in Jane's eyes as she gazed at the ring, overwhelmed by the depth of Maura's love and the significance of the gift. "I don't know what to say, Maura. This means everything to me."

Maura brushed away a stray tear with her thumb, her love for Jane shining bright in her eyes. "You don't have to say anything, Jane. Just promise me that you'll wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment to each other."

With a heartfelt nod, Jane slipped the ring onto her finger, feeling its weight and warmth against her skin. Almost instantly their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Jane pulled back when oxygen was needed, "You know I was thinking, I know another way you can show me your love and commitment" Jane said smirking and wiggling her eyebrows.

Maura leaned back and rolled her eyes "You are incorrigible Jane Rizzoli, but you are mine." They then headed up to the bedroom to continuing to celebrating.

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