Back to Boston

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As Jane and Maura sat together in their cozy living room in Virginia, the weight of their conversation hung heavy in the air. It had been 15 months since they had made the move from Boston, and lately, they found themselves reconsidering their decision.

"I can't help but feel like something's missing," Maura admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "We have done everything to make a new life, a new home here but it still doesn't seem like home."

Jane nodded in understanding, her own feelings mirroring Maura's. "I know what you mean. Virginia is beautiful, but it's just not the same. I miss our friends, our family, the sense of community we had back in Boston."

They fell into a thoughtful silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they considered the implications of their conversation. Moving to Virginia had seemed like the right decision at the time, a fresh start in a new place with new opportunities. But now, as they reflected on their lives in Boston, they couldn't shake the feeling that they had left something important behind.

"I think we need to seriously consider our options," Jane said finally, breaking the silence. "Maybe it's time to think about moving back to Boston. I have 3 more months before my official hiatus with BPD is done. If moving back is something we want to consider then I think we need to think fast."

Maura nodded in agreement, a sense of relief washing over her at Jane's words. "I think you're right, Jane. It's time for us to reassess our priorities and make a decision that feels right for both of us."

"Would you be willing to transfer back to the MEND in Boston?" Jane questioned Maura again as they relaxed on the sofa.

"Yes, I would think this office is up and running sufficiently and I can work on all of the administration tasks from anywhere really." Maura thought.

Beacon began barking at a bird outside the sliding glass door.

"See even Beacon wants to consider moving back to Boston." Jane pointed at the overjoyed Labrador at the door.

"Let's give it some thought Jane. We have put 15 months into building a life here, it deserves to some time to weigh all the options." Maura said getting up to change the laundry.

"You're right." Jane said as she started to get up to follow Maura. "What if we went back next weekend? We could judge how life feels back there?"

"That sounds like a good idea Jane, please let your mother know we will be coming. We can set a timeline to find our plan forward in one month so we have ample time to see all aspects of life in both areas" Maura said as she handed Jane a basket of clean clothes.

Later that evening, after their heartfelt conversation about reconsidering their move to Virginia, Jane decided to reach out to her brother, Frankie, to discuss their thoughts about moving back to Boston while walking Beacon. With a sense of determination, she dialed his number, her heart pounding with anticipation. Frankie had always been the sounding board to most of her important life decisions and she didn't want to not get his advice on this one.

"Hey, Janie, what's up?" Frankie's cheerful voice greeted her on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Frankie," Jane replied, her voice tinged with seriousness. "I need to talk to you about something important."

Frankie sensed the gravity in Jane's tone and grew immediately attentive. "Of course, what's going on? Is Maura pregnant? Is it your baby?" Frankie laughed a bit to lighten the mood.

"No, Maura is not pregnant, and you are starting to sound like Ma. And give me a break Frankie if we are going to go through all the extra steps needed for Maura to have a baby you better believe it would be mine." Then taking a deep breath, Jane launched into the conversation, explaining to Frankie the doubts she and Maura had been having about their decision to move to Virginia and their growing desire to move back to Boston.

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