Family Dinner

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The aroma of home-cooked Italian cuisine filled the air as the Rizzoli family gathered around the dining table for their weekly Sunday dinner. Jane, Maura, Tommy and Angela exchanged lively banter, their laughter mingling with the clinking of silverware and the sizzle of food cooking on the stove.

As they settled into their seats, Frankie and Nina arrived, their hands intertwined and smiles lighting up their faces. Jane's keen eye caught the subtle exchange between them, a knowing grin tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Hey, look who decided to join us," Jane teased, nudging Maura with her elbow.

Maura raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What's got you so amused, Jane?"

Before Jane could respond, Frankie cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention to him and Nina. "Hey, everyone. Nina and I have something we want to share with you."

Angela's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned forward, her voice filled with anticipation. "Oh, Frankie, what is it, honey?"

Frankie exchanged a glance with Nina, his grip on her hand tightening slightly. "Nina and I are dating."

A hush fell over the table as the gravity of Frankie's words sank in. Angela's face broke into a wide smile, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. "Oh, Frankie, Nina, that's wonderful news!"

Tommy. nodded in approval, his expression reflecting a mix of surprise and happiness. "Well, I'll be damned. That's quite the revelation."

Jane grinned, her heart swelling with pride for her brother. "Congratulations, you two. About time you made it official."

Maura reached out, squeezing Jane's hand in silent agreement. "Yes, congratulations. We're happy for you both."

Nina smiled gratefully, her cheeks flushed with emotion. "Thank you, Jane, Maura. It means a lot to us."

As the dinner continued, the atmosphere was filled with an air of celebration and camaraderie. Stories were shared, laughter rang out, and the bonds of family grew stronger with each passing moment.

The remnants of the family dinner lay scattered across the countertops, awaiting their attention as they embarked on the task of cleaning up together.

As they washed dishes and dried them with practiced efficiency, a comfortable silence settled between them, broken only by the occasional clatter of utensils and the soft murmur of conversation.

Jane glanced at Maura, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "You know, for someone who spends so much time in the lab, you're pretty handy in the kitchen."

Maura chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Years of meticulous research and attention to detail tend to come in handy, even in culinary endeavors."

Jane grinned, a sense of contentment washing over her as she leaned against the countertop. "Well, I'm grateful for your expertise. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Maura's gaze softened, a gentle warmth filling her heart as she met Jane's eyes and placed a soft kiss on her lips "And I don't know what I'd do without you, Jane. You're the anchor that keeps me grounded in a world of chaos."

Their words hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the deep bond that existed between them. And as they continued their task, the weight of unspoken emotions lingered between them, begging to be addressed.

Finally, Jane broke the silence, her voice soft yet resolute. "Maura, can we talk?"

Maura turned to face her, her expression curious yet open. "Of course, Jane. What's on your mind?"

Jane took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "I've been thinking a lot lately... about us. Our relationship."

Maura listened intently, her heart quickening with anticipation. "Go on."

Jane met Maura's gaze, her eyes filled with sincerity. "I care about you, Maura. More than I can put into words. And I've realized... It might be time to move in together."

Maura's breath caught in her throat, a surge of emotion washing over her at Jane's confession. "Jane..."

Jane reached out, gently taking Maura's hand in hers. "I have done a lot of thinking and every time I look at all the facts it just makes more sense for me to move in here with you. I know when you asked I wasn't quite ready but I think I am now. I love you, Maura."

Maura's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she squeezed Jane's hand, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you too, Jane."

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