^ youre my only destiny^

Start from the beginning

Reena had gone back to bombay to stay at her late fathers house..Rocky hadn't done anything back then as he thought reena was safer there as compared to the streets of Narachi specially after Sara's death...as an excuse to meet her he had brought Samaira to a well known restaurant there which was owned by reena's dad's extended family...reena had gone there to when she got to know about this ....

Rocky: what are you doing here??

Reena: I just wanted to know who had booked all the table at my restaurant!!

Rocky: who else but me..I wanted to treat my wife" with  something special!!

Reena:why do you always keep bringing your wife in every convo?? to make me jealous??

Rocky: people only get jealous in love but you dont love me right??

Reena : what if I say I do??

before Rocky could say anything samira came//

Rocky: what took you so long? you look beautiful by the way!!(giving a side eye to reena!!)

Reenaa's blood boiled every time she saw samaira but this time she had a plan so she controlled herself..

Reena: I hope you two enjoy yourselves!!!

she goes away.......


Later Reena spiked Samira's drink which resulted in samaira blurting out all her truths to rocky!!! which enraged him...

Rocky: I knew something was fishy but was just waiting for some proof...but didnt expect you to stoop this low....if you weren't a woman id have killed you with my bare hands..but I wont let you go either!!! the crimes that you committed included murder that too not one but 2 and then you came between me and my real wife reena...a Woman like you can never be my wife......

Vijay throw this woman into dungeon although she deserves death sentence but im gonna give her something worse than death!!

In this way...Samaira left their lives forever!!

Rocky: so what were you saying dear?? You do what??

Reena: me?? n-nothing..I didnt-

Rocky dragged reena towards himself so that their breath had become one and so their racing heartbeat!!

rocky: no more hide and seek now..youre staying by my side...what if I dont remember your memories..lets make new ones!!

Reena smiled in his chest...



Shakthi: amma come were getting late!!

Reena comes downstair....

Reena comes downstair

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