Act One: The Princes of the Swans

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Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, there was the most handsome and fair prince named Olivero. He was the most beloved young royal in all the land and to his father, whose wife died giving birth to the boy. His heart and soul were as pure as glass and his innocence remained intact. He gained many affections from numerous suitors and unwed daughters, but his father would not allow his son to marry just anyone in fear that his son's heart would be broken from the betrayal. To save his son the pains of misery, King Ulrich kept Olivero out of the public eyes and had him focused on his studies and his lessons. The boy was saddened, yet understood his father's motives as he dreamed of falling in love with someone who would be truly loyal to him and him alone.

As time grew on, the boy became a handsome young man who still had not yet found a lover due to remaining in the palace grounds with only tutors and the servants for company. Over the summers, Prince Olivero and his father Ulrich would make visits to their summer home in the countryside and the prince would take long walks and enjoyed the serenity of nature.

One summer night when he and his father was at the summer countryside home, Prince Olivero was walking deep into the woods when he discovered an ethereal clearing with numerous white swans and other fine birds that sang and danced in the skies. In the middle of the clearing was a lake that was as clear as crystal and was teeming with fishes and marine life. Surrounding the lake were various flowers and bushes that made the clearing more mystical at any time of day.

Olivero was bewitched at the sight, spotting some blood-red roses- his favorite flower- and walking over to sniff them and maybe even pick one to take to his father.

What the prince didn't know, however, was the clearing was enchanted by a ruthless and young sorcerer named Rogelio who valued a lover for his own- a male one at that. And so he cursed the lake and the flowers to turn any unsuspecting male, royal or peasant, into beautiful swans and other birds in the air in hopes to find one that might become his forever lover. Rogelio made it a law that whoever became the prince of the male swans would become his future husband and would turn the other males back to normal when the time came.

King Ulrich knew of this and, as he saw his son heading to the lake to seal his inevitable doom, planned to warn his son to get away.

But Prince Oliver didn't hear his fathers cries from afar as he stooped down to get a closer look at the beautiful yet damnable flowers to give them a sniff before picking one of them

Quick as a flash of lightning that soon lit the now-stormy skies while a deafening boom of thunder drowned out his father's anguished screams, Olivero soon found himself in the waters that would turn his body from that of a human into that of a majestic white swan that would capture the eyes of the now-gleeful Rogelio (who was disguised as an owl alongside his own son Owerius) that watched from afar.

King Ulrich was beyond despondent and was ready to end his life had it not been for a circle of pixies with various colors of hair. Their leader, a dark-skinned fairy named Valenzine, stood in front of him after transforming herself into a fair maiden. "Fear not, my king," she said in a voice that soothed his tears. "You must take your slumber until your son's curse is broken, which can be broken in only two ways: by his marriage to Rogelio or another prince that is soon to become of age and will arrive to meet the future prince of the swans. They will form a friendship that will soon turn to love and the prince must swear himself to love only your son and kill Rogelio on the morning after his 25th birthday. He must kill Rogelio and Owerius by daybreak. But if he chooses another lover by that night, then Olivero will become Rogelio's groom and husband and live as an immortal prince of darkness forever."

The fairies soon led the now-tired king and his soldiers back to the main palace as they told all the citizens of what befell Prince Olivero and how the curse must be broken. And as King Ulrich took to his bed for his endless slumber, he silently prayed for the unnamed prince to become his only son's one and only true lover and to kill the evil Rogelio and wicked Owerius once and for all so he can reunite with Olivero.

So, this is a summary of my idea for a gay version of "Swan Lake" and modeled after the performance of the American Ballet Company that was done a while back in New York City. I have the FULL ballet available in the header if you want to watch it. I might write the novel myself one day after I finish this story; but the ballet itself will become the central theme for this story and one of the factors for my boys' journeys into stardom!

Coming up next, we'll be introduced to Landon Haddon, the dancer from the farms of Indiana as he deals with being ousted from his patriarchal family while betrayed by his mother. Stay tuned!

Dedication: Nablai, annkreeves, and Nyhterides.


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