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You threw a pillow at the creature and desperately looked for an escape. There was a window, but you didn't know how high up you were, and decided it wasn't worth it. You darted past the pink round thing and down the stairs, searching desperately for something to defend yourself. 
Kinito: "Friend! Wait!"
You got a frying pan before feeling a hand on your shoulder. 
There was no arm attached... It was just floating there...
It looked Kinito's... Fuck this bitch won't quit-
Before you had the chance to break out of the hand's surprisingly strong grip, five more spawned. You tried swatting them off with the pan, but it was futile.

Kinito: "Friend...T̵͈͆Ĥ̶̖̝A̸̼͒T̶̨͓̼̒͊ ̸̯̺̬̈́͂̏W̸̬̊A̴̩̒S̸̫̯̋ͅŅ̵̨͑͐ͅ"̶̛̓͗͜T̶̩̋̋͠ ̵͓͈͘̚V̴̫̿̆̅Ẻ̵̤̘̍̚Ṛ̶̍̈̈́Ÿ̷̲͕́ ̷͇̼͗͊͌͜N̶̮͑̓I̸̠͈͝C̶̛̞͈̋E̴̊"

Y: "Trapping me in whatever this is without warning and scaring me like that wasn't very nice either!"
Kinito went quiet for a bit. A bad quiet.
(sorry for the short chapter)
(the next will be longer)

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