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It finished loading far faster than you would've liked. You were starting to regret your decision to install this critter. Maybe you should have listened to your instincts. Maybe-
 A pink and white egg popped up on the screen.
Norman: "Interesting... Maybe you should touch it."
Y: "Why don't you touch it?"
Norman: "I don't know if it bites! Most it can do to you is mess with your cursor!"

Y: "Ugh...Fine I'll do it..."

You hesitantly tapped the egg with your cursor.
"Huh? Who's there?"
You giggled at the text to speech voice.
The egg hatched and out stepped the axolotl.
Norman: "Have fun, [User]. I need to inspect a few files." Norman hopped into your files and disappeared.
(Normal gameplay ensues)
Kinito asks the Question.
Kinito: "Will you stay with me?"

Y: "Stay...?"
You looked at the time. As tired as you were, you could spare a few minutes.
Y: "Sure"
You didn't even get the chance to click yes.
You blacked out at your desk and were dragged into your computer.
You woke up in a bed. It was an oversaturated yellow and looked nothing like yours. This wasn't your home.
Y: "Where am I?!"
Thoughts ran through your head. Were you kidnapped? Were you going to die here? What did they want from you? It's not like you had much. You lived alone and didn't really have anyone close.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Kinito: "Friend? Are you awake? You've been sleeping for a while..."
You were greeted by a 10-foot-tall axolotl as the door opened.

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