Even if you choose justice, it is hard...

Start from the beginning

Dilan encouraged her husband to lie down in bed for a few minutes. He looked exhausted, both physically and emotionally. "Only if you lay with me." She agreed. He moved to his side of the bed and, putting a hand behind his head, rested against the headboard. His other hand extended to her. When Dilan joined him, he embraced her and held her close. She kept taking peeks at his face. She was worried about him. He had no time to deal with his feelings. He had to get into action right away. There was no pause for him to discern his emotions. Time was a luxury for the clan's leader, and she ached for him. Just when he closed his eyes, his phone rang. He took it out of his pants pocket and answered. "Okay, I'll meet you outside." Dilan stood up. "Okhan?" Baran sat on the bed. "Yes, he is entering the mansion. I'll go to him. You should stay here." But she didn't want to. "No, Baran. I'm going with you." Before he could insist, Dilan headed out the door. "Dilan!" She didn't stop until she reached the mansion's entrance. Baran walked past her and opened the door, letting Okhan and others from his team in. "Where is he?" Baran showed them the way. Dilan stayed behind. The space was already small. She didn't want to get in the way. Soon, Ms. Azade, Mr. Kudret, Cihan, and Ms. Kader joined her. She heard noises upstairs. The man was not going down quietly. Ms. Azade was screaming to let her son go. The police dragged Mr. Hassan down and out the door.

Baran's grandmother and the rest of the family followed them closely outside. His uncle pleaded with his mother. "Are you going to let them take me, mother? You need to stop this." His grandmother began speaking, "Mr. Seyit..." Her eyes met Dilan's, and her sentence remained unfinished. The way she was looking at her didn't sit well with Baran. He grabbed Dilan's hand and took a stance in front of her. His grandmother ceased and turned to his father. "Kudret, do something. He is your brother. Are you going to let them take him?" His dad was stoic and quiet. Baran could no longer contain himself. He raised his voice. "Enough, Ms. Azade. How long do you plan to avoid the truth? Your son killed my mother, and he will pay for it. You should be thankful he will not pay with his life but with his freedom." The woman snapped. "You will take away my son's freedom while that man Seyit lives freely?" His father intervened. "Enough Mother! Enough! He took away my wife. He took away my Ayten. Did you forget about her? Did you really care and love her?" His grandmother was taken aback. "How can you say that? You know how much I cared for Ayten. You know everything I did for your boys, including how I tried to fill the void left by her absence. But Hassan... Hassan is my son. You can't ask me to turn my back on him." His father closed his eyes. His exasperation mirrored Baran's. "Caring for your son does not mean you overlook his mistakes, mother. You are quick to point the finger at others, but when it comes to your blood, you will look the other way. Justice doesn't work that way. Help him acknowledge and repent for his mistakes if you truly care for him. That is all I will say on the matter."

Okhan approached them. "Mr. Kudret, we will need your statement. You have to accompany us to the police station." His dad agreed. "I'll go with you." Cihan offered. Baran didn't move. Instead, he exchanged looks with Dilan and signaled her to go inside. They were alone again in his study. Baran turned to her. He needed to share what Okhan told him upstairs. "Dilan, there is something you don't know..." When Baran was about to explain, his wife's phone rang. "Answer it. It can be important." She did as he instructed. "Yes?... I will give the order so they will let you in." Baran was puzzled. "Ms. Gözde is here. She came with the nurse to take the DNA sample." Baran pinched the bridge of his nose. He had forgotten. Baran took her hand, and they went outside together. He was not leaving her alone with that woman. Pretty soon, Ms. Gözde was in front of them. Her demeanor told him she was skeptical of the situation. She was still a danger to them. He instinctively stood in front of Dilan. "This way." He directed them to go to his office from the side entrance. The mansion was already in turmoil. He didn't want to have to explain Ms. Gözde's presence. Baran never let go of his wife's hand. Inside the study, the nurse spoke. "We will take a sample of your syllabi, Ms. Dilan. It will be quick and painless." Dilan opened her mouth, and before they knew it, it was over. The nurse proceeded to do the same with Ms. Gözde. At Baran's request, her sample had to be taken in their presence. He also had people check on the laboratory to make sure there would be no surprises. "So, when will we get the results?" Ms. Gözde asked. "The results will be out in five business days. They will be delivered to both parties individually." Ms. Gözde looked annoyed. "Fine, I can wait a little longer."

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