Cauda 09 - Mindreader

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"I, ha, see no reason to surrender."

S laughed. "Heh. Thought you said he couldn't be kil-"

"He was content with his life. That changes their durability. What we did was unprecedented-" Displo started.

"Alright, spare me the lecture. Either way he's gone." S said.

Running took absolute precedence. They had only turned a few hallways from the basement, getting back would be easy. As they ran Updike reformulated a plan.

With a mindreader in midst, all attempts at sentient penetration would be impossible. Though Updike knew how to counter mindreader he wasn't an expert in it. There was no telling how much of his mind or Kapi's was read. If so, the whole operation would be over. Can't assume that yet. Perhaps he didn't know himself. The plan must continue as normal.

Therefore sentience needed to be eliminated. Theo's bots would scour and obtain the location of RetroSpector. From there they would either secure him or get S to traverse outside and sneak him to the mailroom. No doubt that abomination would be looking for us, it would allow for S to move easy.

Once glance back could see they weren't being followed thankfully. Not to mention Updike just shot Mommy Meanest, the Matriarch of the Family. She knew his, Huggy and possibly Kapi's face now.

Rounding the corner, Updike saw the basement door in sight. One dash for it, he closed the door, jamming his gun into the handle, barricading it.

Motioning the two down, Updike proceeded downstairs, entering the recreational room where the three took a breather.

"What just happened? Did I black out? D-did you just shoot Mommy? Who was that purple guy?"

Updike stayed one knee on the ground, watching the door from below.

"You did. Mind-controlled. Yes I did shoot her. I don't know."

"B-but how?"

"I'm not sure. The Family is in possession of a telepath. I did not anticipate this. You two, head to Theo downstairs. I shall be with you shortly."

"Updike. Status report. Are you all okay?!" Tess shouted from the comlink. "You shot Mommy?" Updike heard what might have been Annie on Tess' end as well. "She's back?"

"I will provide a report soon. Moving to rendezvous with Theo and Blackjack. We may have to flee. Covers blown." Updike said.

With nobody attempting to bust open the door he walked back up and retrieved his firearm, double checking the shots. 3 bullets left before reload.

"TGG." Updike said into the comlink. "This is triumvirate Updike. I am requesting a storage pod, maximum level security, hofnarr class. Send Sterling and Abott. Location, beach, centre-north of Dearest Compound. Bring ESP and EMP bombs."

"On it's way Gabriel. Stay safe!" One of the trio shouted back.

"Updike. What does that mean?" Solazar asked.

"Means we are dealing with a telepath. Simply put we cannot take it down by conventional means. This is not something any of us are capable of dealing with."

"Psh. I bet I could take him." S chimed in.

"...If you see him, engage."

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