Cauda 03 - Take 'Em to Church

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"No. Burn it all down."

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Artist: Store

Song: Ufer

The compound was flanked all on sides but north by roads.

The road that stood on the east stretched towards the cliff, turning into a small lot for sightseeing. The city developed that area as an attraction; to be able to overlook the lake. Of course the Family got a cut, having sold that piece of undeveloped land to them.

Like the west where Team Lisp started, a fence made it abundantly clear where the city's piece ended, and the Family's began. Plenty of no trespassing signs lined it.

Trespassers will be shot.

This section of the property was closest to the barracks and kennel where the demon guards and their hellhounds hung out. Every once in a while, some 'brave' soul would go missing there, cops believing the person may have just 'slipped' off the cliff. Simply put, the barracks were the most dangerous place nearby, an unknown amount of demons hiding there.

And the hellgate hung in that same quarter.

On the floor plan the hellgate was located within a church. Closest to the cliff and the most isolated, it stood practically overlooking the lake. To the west and a bit of a walk was the mailroom and storage. To the east: barracks and kennels. With the Family's manor to the south, it was also the best defended.

Next to the sightseeing area was a small parking lot to a plaza, various small shops set up to gouge money from tourists. Long shut down and the cameras compromised, Annie saw no issue smashing right through the red and white mechanical arm.

Any warnings it would have given off were silenced, per S' rule.

Nobody in the passenger seat, Annie sat alone as she pulled into the lot, adjusting the car for an easy getaway. In the backseat were Whitty and Carol, the 'demolition' experts.

Together the three formed Team Haskell. And they were next up.

The rain ceased, a deep fog now hovering over the property. It added in an element of stealth, the only downside a lower ambient temperature.

"You could have parked better." Carol muttered as she unbuckled her belt. Annie had parked in 4 spots.

"Nobody cares." Annie said, getting out.

Whitty took a deep breath. While Team Lisp was nothing but a merry band of aliens, hellbent on causing as much bloodshed as possible, Haskell was much less unified. Annie and Carol did not like each other. On the surface it stemmed from Annie's complete disregard for rules versus Carol's air of angelic harmony. That's what Updike claimed. Whitty knew better. It all started because Carol stuck up and continued to defend Girlfriend, something Annie considered amoral. This left Whitty stuck as the sole mediator, even if he was always forced to take Carol's side. And he couldn't complain to anyone about it. The moment he spoke up he knew Updike would chime in about how if he has a problem he's fit to leave. He told Kapi, though there wasn't much he could do. He barely knew Annie.

Stepping out of the car, Carol put up her hood, as did Whitty. Annie did no such thing except adjust her friend's hat. While the former planned for stealth, it mattered little to Annie. To her this was war, not some 'heist'.

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