tired of this body

Start from the beginning

“What in the hell were you thinking, kid?” Alador growled as he yanked Hunter back by the collar of his shirt. Hunter gave back a sly smirk.

“Doing God's will,” he said, and brushed off his hand. He went into the shed and pulled out a half eaten chicken. “Someone's been feeding this thing.”

Hunter let out a laugh when he saw the looks on the adults’ faces. “Y'all thought I was a psychopath tryna kill ya? Think again.”

Darius went up and snatched the chicken from his hands. “I'm going back to that damn house ‘cause I've been out here long enough,” he muttered.

He threw the chicken on the dining room table, where Camila sat with Vee and Masha teaching them how to gut fish. There's a stream nearby where Camila and Luz go fishing everyday for their dinners.

“What's this?” Darius asked Camila. A puzzled expression filled her face as she responded.
“A half-eaten chicken?”

“We found this in the shed. Someone was keeping walkers in there, Camila. Walkers.”

Her eyes widened as she processed the thought of the walkers.


“That's what I'm trying to figure out,” Darius rolled his eyes. “I have to inform Lilith because, God, that's not okay.”

But he couldn't inform Lilith. Why? Because no one knew where she was. All Darius knew was that she slips off out the gate, despite not informing anyone if she's going on supply runs. He had asked Steve to accompany him on his “supply run” which he happily agreed to. After they walked about half a mile away, Darius told him what he was trying to do.

“I'm going back,” Steve paused as he tried turning around.

“Where the fuck do you think you're going? You're coming with me because I can't do this by myself,” Darius snatched his arm and turned him around.

“Look, I just don't feel safe leaving Matt alone an-”

“You've been on supply runs with and without your brother before, you're just making excuses.”

“Look,” Steve said, “maybe Lililth had a reason to be hiding. I'm just saying we shouldn't get in her business.”

“There's a million people living in one house; we're all up in each other's business,” Darius shook his head. “I need to find Lilith and to find out why she's acting so childish!”

Steve sighed. “I know why she's being so- Lilith right now.”

Darius slightly cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, waiting for the answer.

“So Katya accidently left the gate open, causing the walkers to attack us that night, and Lilith started fighting with Katya,” Steve began. Darius was confused. What did that have to do with Lilith being mad? A disagreement? Very unlike Lilith.

“And I might've told her that,” Steve sucked in a breath, “she's pregnant?”

A wave of shock went through Darius as he realized what he said. “Oh god,” Darius pinched the bridge of his nose as he thought of what he was going to say.

“Is it yours?” he muttered, resulting in a nod from Steve. He took another deep breath “How old are you again? Twenty-three, twenty-four?”

“Just turned twenty a few months ago,” Steve responded. In a whisper voice, he added “Katya will be twenty in a few months.”

“I really can't say anything but-” Darius cut himself off before he said something stupid. “Alright, we'll talk about that later. Right now we need to find Lilith.”
Just as he said that, a beer bottle crashed in front of them, falling to millions of glass shards.

“What the-” Both Steve and Darius looked up where the bottle originated from to see Lilith holding a pack of beers in her arms, sitting on top of a tree branch.

“Hey assholes,” she slurred. Her long black hair was frizzy due to Gerogia heat, and a strand of it stuck to the sweat on her forehead. She looked like a drunk mess. Her glasses had a crack in them and her hair stuck out in an extremely messy and tangled way. “You looking fo’ me?”

“Please come down, Lilth,” Darius shouted out. “Come back to the house, we just want to talk.”

“Talk?” She exclaimed. “Mr. ‘I got my girlfriend pregnant’ here can do ALL thr talking!”

She took another sip of the beer then giggled to herself.

“Where'd you even find that?” Steve scoffed.

“The fucking grocery store,” Lilith muttered angrily. “Only had to fight like a million walkers.”

“Lilith, please come down. There's- there's something we needed to tell you,” Darius implored. Lilith chugged down the beer, burped, then threw the bottle at the ground, barely missing Steve. She burst out into a fit of laughter.

“Maybe if your girlfriend could've kept her legs shut for one moment, we wouldn't be in this mess!” she cackled, leaning against the tree bark.

Lily,” Darius tried again, using her childhood nickname. “Alador was keeping walkers in the shed out back.”

“Alador?” Lilith scoffed. “Never expected much from that guy, but damn.”

“I don't give two shits because I'm a terrible leader and I can't do anything!” Lilith hissed under her breath, crossing her arms. “Mother was right; I'll always be the prudent, selfish sister while Eda is the fun and carefree one. She can do all these things and be so immature and everyone likes her! I care about people and suddenly I'm the bad guy?”

“You're not selfish, Lilith. We can talk about this back at the house. We aren't your mother and we don't think you're stuck up.”

“He wants us out,” Darius added. Darius watched the childlike gleam disappear from Lilith's spring green eyes as she took in the woods. No home, no safety. And no one wants to be out near the monsters.

Lilith stared off for a bit, lost deep in thought. “How's the girl?” she asked, her voice still slightly slurred but more calm.

“Amity's all right now. You come on back, take a nap, and you can talk to her. I'm sure she'll love to talk to you,” Steve said. “You're like a mother to her.”

“Just go back, I'll be there soon,” Lilith sighed. She didn't seem like she had any plans to move soon, with her body resting on the branch, but they just had to trust her. To trust her that she will come back.

if anyone has seen TWD, there's one scene I can't wait to write which I think it's s6??? well it's where Negan first comes out and kills 2 characters and u better believe imma do that to. I'm not saying who it's gonna be, but I'll give u a hint and say he's controlled into thinking he's doing the right thing but really he's just confused and misunderstood and practically a puppet for his "family." (u can probably guess haha)
anyway, have an amazing day/night!!! I literally have a test early tomorrow morning but it's the middle of the night and I wrote this. (chapter title is from body - mother mother)

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