falling away from me

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first chapter of 2024!! 🎉🎉
sorry this chapter is so late, I'm out with family for the next few days then I go back to school. Luckily I have motivation to write this atleast.
TW: use of weaponry, and normal zombie stuff.

Vee was told she was many things. Her sister tells her she's the best sister in the world, her mom tells her that she and her sister are the most beautiful girls in the world, and her grandparents tell her how special and how much Vee means to them, but Vee ignores all that.
Vee was bored. Yes, that sounded selfish but there was nothing to do but talk to that annoying King kid. As much as she enjoyed Masha’s presence, they didn't always want to talk. Luz was busy doing everyday chores with their mom, and Hunter had to keep watch most of the day.  They’ve been there for nearly a month, but Vee feels like they’ve been there forever. Her mind ached for entertainment, and not just watching the walkers roam around at the bottom of the hill. There was a fence keeping them from entering, protecting them from those monstrosities. As night arrived, Vee searched around for Luz, usually they meet up at the bonfire after a long day of work. Luz’s job was to help with laundry and dinner every day, not the most stressful part was the amount of clothes they went through. Luckily, there was a nearby lake allowing people to bath, but some days it smelled awful.
Vee sat beside Masha and played a handgame involving lemonade.
Crunchy ice
Sip it once
Sip it twice
Crunchy ice
Made it once
Made it twice
Turn around
Touch the ground
Kick your boyfriend out of town
And freeze!
Both of them laughed until King came up to them.
“What were you guys doing?” he asked, his voice full of embarrassment from asking.
“We’re playing a game called ‘Lemonade Crunchy Ice,’” Vee explained.
King stood still for a moment. “Can you teach me? I’ve never played before.”
“Of course! Come sit right here and we can teach you,” Masha tapped her hand on the grass in front of her.
Before they knew it, they had been playing silly hand games for hours. The full moon shone brightly throughout the dim sky, signaling that it was time to sleep. Vee hugged her friends good night, and Camila tucked her into the sleeping bag.
“When will we leave?” Vee asked as Camila hugged her.
“I’m not sure mija, it’s fine here for now,” Camila responded. “Do you not like it hear?”
“I do!” Vee exclaimed. “It’s just that King sometimes mentions things he hears the adults saying that it's not safe here, but I don’t know, he also told me he was the king of demons.”
Camila chuckled. “Well its safe now and I don’t want that to change. Good night, Vee.”
“Good night, Masha.”
Vee turned to the side to face Masha.
“It’s not safe here,” Masha whispered to Vee.
“How do you know? Mama just said it was,” Vee responded, trying to keep her voice low. Masha took a breath before answering.
“Tarot cards,” Masha heaved in one breath.
“Tarot cards?” Vee sat up and Masha followed. They pulled out a little rugged stack of cards out of their pockets and showed them to Vee.
“I use them to see what's going to happen,” Masha explained as they spread out a few cards. The once saturated cards were faded with age, the illustrations dotted with specks yet still in decent condition. Each card had a different drawing, some similar to others.
“My mom gave these to me before she died,” they added as they organized them once more and put them in her pocket.
“And they tell you the future?” Vee asked, curious about the magic cards.
“I guess if you put it that way,” Masha shrugged. “All I know is that it's not safe here.”
Vee laid back down and stared up at the tent ceiling. Her sleep eyes became heavy as time ticked.
“Good night, Masha,” Vee yawned. She fell asleep before she even heard a response.
A paper. A blank white sheet of paper.
The room surrounding the young girl was white. Her darkened tan skin clashed with the bright wall of the environment. A white desk stayed in front of her, and on top of it was a blank white sheet of paper.
Vee, too scared to look around, picked up the pencil beside the sheet of paper. She softly gripped it and began drawing her family. Her Mamá, Papá, her sister, and herself are drawn side by side, big smiles on their faces.
“That's wrong,” Vee thought as she erased the smile on her father's face, leaving a scribble in place of it. Her hand never left the paper as the scribble got bigger and bigger, expanding its darkness.
“No,” Vee whimpered. “No, no, no, no, no, no, please stop!”
The scribbles swallowed the paper, taking the place of the family. She cried, hoping it would stop.
The paper ripped. The young girl's world paused, rubbing her fingers against the ripped spot. Her eyebrows frowned as she realized the issue. She reached over and picked up a piece of tape, carefully placing it over the rip. She stared at the drawing of herself, the little rip on her face covered with tape.
She looked at it, barely making out her family in the black hurricane. She began ripping it to pieces.
“Stop! Leave me alone!” Vee shrieked as tears streamed down her face, ripping and pulling apart her family. The papers sounded like cannonballs as they hit the floor with a loud thud.
The last piece fell on the floor. Vee fell to her knees, sobbing, crying for help but no one came.
It wasn't safe.
Vee gasped as she sat up, looking around to see no one, the dark night surrounding her. She brought her knees up to her chest, watching her mom sleep soundly, and Masha curled up in a little ball as they rest. Vee sat wide awake, not being able to sleep. She picked herself up, quietly unzipped the tent, and walked out to the fresh air. There was no one else awake, except whoever was on night duty. Usually there were two at a time, and Vee was hoping Hunter was awake. She climbed up the ladder to the RV, too short to see above, and sat beside the familiar blonde. Steve was asleep besides Hunter, both taking two hour shifts.
“Why are you awake?” Hunter whispered. Vee put her legs over the edge of the large vehicle.
“I couldn't sleep,” Vee responded. Both sat in silence.
“Is it safe here?” Vee finally asked, breaking the silence.
“Why are you asking?” responded Hunter. Vee shrugged. “Maybe it isn't, but I think you're safe here and I don't want that to change.”
Vee looked off past the fence, the few stragglers picking at it, attempting to enter. She focused her eyes on them, heavy and droopy. She blinked and saw what seemed like a large mass of darkness coming towards them. She heard Hunter's breathing stop.
“Steve, wake up,” Hunter shook Steve awake, but he didn't respond. “Steve!”
Steve woke up and heard the urgency in Hunter's voice. Hunter followed where his finger was pointing to, the large group of walkers of at least 200.
“Shit,” Steve spat out as he jumped off the RV, turning it on so they could leave. Hunter carried Vee off and sat her with Steve inside the RV. Vee ran to the window and watched as Hunter woke up everyone, frantically telling them to grab everything and get into one of the two RV's they were taking. Before she knew it, she heard a loud thud and watched as the walkers overcame the fence and slowly headed towards them. Tears flooded her eyes.
Luz entered the RV with a large bag on her back and Masha in her arms. Masha hurried beside Vee, and Luz went back for others. Matt ran inside, carrying a few weapons to defend themselves if needed. He immediately went to Steve.
Just as the walkers reached the first tent around twenty seconds later, Camila entered the RV, holding King, and locked the door. Steve attempted to go, but the car wasn't moving. His eyes widened as he looked at the walkers with his rear view mirror, their fingernails scratching the vehicle.
“Go, go, go, go, go,” Steve panicked as he repeatedly attempted. Finally, the car moved, allowing Steve to follow the other one. Vee cried in his sister's arms as the sound of the walkers decreased, leading them off. She glanced at Masha's dark eyes, their lifeless face staring forwards. They were right, it wasn't safe.
“Why are we stopping?” Matt asked as Steve pulled the car to a stop. They were a little behind the other RV. It's been around three days since the attack, they've been stealing other cars gasoline to keep theirs fueled.
The morning sun had barely come up, the sky still pink and orange.
“I think that one broke down,” Steve announced, grabbing a gun and stepping out of the hot RV. Vee attempted to leave, but Camila snatched her by the arm.
“Wait here,” Camila murmured as she left the RV. Vee sat in silence as she watched the adults argue, mainly Eda and Lilith. Vee could never imagine yelling that much to someone, especially Luz. Once they calmed down, Vee watched as Hunter and Steve began to pull tools out of a toolbox, and open the back of the RV. She assumed that it broke down.
Vee watched as the clock ticked, seconds felt like eternity. She was bored and craved entertainment, but all she had was King blabbing his mouth. Only King, Masha, and Vee were in that hot RV. Matt was also there but he was their babysitter. Everyone else was outside, raiding nearby cars, keeping watch, or fixing the RV.
Vee decided to leave to her mother who was on watch. Just as she was stepping out of the RV, she heard someone speak.
“I'm going to go hunt, we have to eat lunch somehow,” Eda announced.
“We have canned food, Eda,” Camila yelled down from atop the vehicle. She was watching over their little group.
“I'm sick and tired of peaches, I want meat,” Just as Eda was about to venture off with her crossbow, Vee yelled out.
“Wait!” Vee exclaimed, grabbing both Eda and Camila's attention. “Can you teach me how to hunt?”
“Vee! Why are you out here?” Camils scolded her as she climbed down to floor level.
“Stop being so stern, Camila,” Eda rolled her eyes. “I can, only if your mother allows you.”
“Please, mom?” Vee begged. Camila was going to say no, but she realized that she needed to learn how to shoot anyway and she wasn't the number one person to teach her.
She came up with a solution. “Only if Luz goes with you, and you have to stay with Eda the whole time,” Camila sighed, hoping that it would keep her daughter safe. Vee beamed with excitement, finally having entertainment. She ran out to Luz, who was checking the trunk of a nearby car, and told her the plan. She agreed, and Eda handed her a gun to hold, and off they went.
Eda whispered as they slowly walked through the woods, staying quiet to find prey. The noon sun glimmered through the dark green words, the light radiating off the environment. She paid attention to Eda, staying silent so they don't scare off any animals.
About an hour had gone by and they still hadn't come upon any animals.
“Where the fuck are these animals?” Eda murmured as she kicked a small rock into a small field. Vee's eyes followed the rock, and it landed near a large deer. She tapped on Eda's shoulder and pointed to the deer. Since Vee is the one who found it, Eda handed her the gun and guided her hands for her. She already knew to never point it at people, keep safety on, and so on. Vee carefully pointed it at the deer, its speckled brown fur basking in the sunlight, and clicked off safety. She kept a steady breathing and then her breath hitched as a gun was fired.
But it wasn't her gun.
Vee dropped her gun to the dirt, and the last thing she heard was Luz's screams

The chapter title is from the song
Falling away from me by Korn
The lemonade Crunchy ice hand game was something I grew up playing, but every one played it different. I learned the "kick your boyfriend out of town And freeze!" but Ik there's a million different versions of it.
Also if you can't tell, Vee was shot.
Since my story is progressing (and I'm not that creative) can some of you guys give me human OC's I can use as background and supporting characters? Dw I will credit you, I just need more characters.
Thanks for reading!

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