𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 - 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞

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"Are you sure you don't want to talk about your fight with Liz?" Matt asked as we rolled through the mcdonalds drive-thru.

"See, this is what I'm talking about!" I smirked.


"You're such a softie." I poked him.

"Oh my gosh, I guess I'll shut up then."

"Noo what were you saying?"

He sighed. "Your fight with Liz. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

"No, I'm not sure. But..." I deadpanned.

"But what? Spit it the fuck out" He groaned, pulling up to the speaker.

"You know it's really hard to open up to someone when they're-"

"What can I get for you?" The voice in the speaker asked.

Matt giggled at me getting cut off. "Hey, could we get one mcdouble with no ketchup and a dr pepper please?"

"Sure, anything else?"

I placed one hand behind Matt's headrest to lean slightly over him so the lady could hear me.

"Yeah, could I please get medium fries and a sweet tea?"

"Yep! Is that all?"

"That's all, thank you." I smiled.

I realised how close my face was to Matt's, and made quick, unwanted eye contact with him before I recovered to my sitting position.

"You seem a little nervous, Hart." Matt smirked, starting the car again.

"You just need some brown contacts, that's all." I smirked back.

"Good one! Very original."

"Thank you, what can I say?"

"Not much, actually. You're pretty illiterate."

"Spell illiterate."

no response.

"That's what I thought, bitch." I smiled, having proven my point.

"You're so cute when you prove a point." Matt joked sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Aww. And you're so cute when you shut the fuck up!" I joked back.

"What a cute couple y'all are!" the southern lady at the window smiled at us.

"Oh, we're not-" Matt began, startled.

"We're not dating." I said.

"Well, you sure had me fooled!" She laughed. "Y'all bicker just like me and my husband back in the day."

Matt and I both had no idea what to say.

"So that'll be twen'y bucks, sweetheart."

Matt quickly tapped his card and we slowly rolled through the rest of the drive-thru.

"We do not look like a couple." I laughed.

"No chance." Matt laughed too.

"So what were we saying?"

"Fight with Liz." Matt reminded me as he pulled up to the final window to collect our food. "Thanks!" He quickly said to the worker and pulled into a parking space so we could eat.

Rain started pouring and Matt turned down the music to hear me speak.

"Okay so- we were on our way home from the mall- and she started talking to me about a guy."

"Nate?" He interrupted

"Yes, Matt." I sighed. "And then she goes 'I'm so glad I have you to talk to because I know you won't judge me'. And then I realised that- something... dramatic... happened to me-"

"Our kiss?" He interrupted once again.

"How about you shut the fuck up and listen?"

"Soz." He smirked.

I sighed. "Anyway, so that happened and I didn't tell her! And she could tell I was keeping something from her so she goes 'What's wrong?'"

"Okay, not to interrupt again, but if you feel like getting to the point that would be incredible."

"You're infuriating." I groaned. "So I told her and she got pissed and I told her I was embarrassed to tell her and she-"

"Why were you embarrassed?" He smirked.

"This is a one-way conversation, sweetheart. You either shut your mouth or listen to the answer of the question you fucking asked!"

He put his hands up in surrender before grabbing one of my fries and eating it.

"Long story short- we haven't spoken since and she went on a date with Nathan and we're not on good terms to talk about it."

"There's definitely some crucial details missing but that's fine."

"Well, you're a bit more talkative today than usual!"

"I guess I'm just in a good mood." He shrugged.

I didn't respond and we sat and ate in silence with the rain hammering down on the roof of the car.


"Are you okay?" Matt asked, completely out of the blue.

"Excuse me?" I responded, confused.

"You've been crying."

how does he know?

I didn't respond and instead gave him a look that insisted he keep going with whatever he's on about.

He continued "Your eyes are puffy and the outer corner of your eyes are red. What's going on?"

"A mix of everything going on lately. I don't know- it's stupid."

"I won't think it's stupid." He assured me.

"Why are you being so nice?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes on him suspiciously.

"We may not like each other but I definitely have my share of experience in this field. Or if you'd just prefer for me to be rude, I can do that too?" He smirked.

I know this question was a joke, but I genuinely considered both options. The reason I've been crying is because I felt like there was nobody to support me with anything going on with me mentally right now. And the fact that the problem is the one there to support me- I don't know how to feel.

"I just want you to shut your mouth for a minute." I whispered

"Make me." He whispered back.

authors note

WHO IS SHE WITH THE DOUBLE UPDATEEE? WE LOVE HER!! and they're pretty long too!! (that's what she said)

I'm so motivated right now. Catch me writing like five more chapters when I have to be up at 8am tomorrow.

that lady at mcdonalds knew what was up bro. shes fs a matt + luna stan😋😋 (we need a ship name help)

you're welcome for the cliffhanger btw xx with the rate I'm writing at you probably won't have to wait long. (don't take my word for it, I'm very unpredictable.) #neverletthemknowyournextmove

I really have to pee rn idk why I'm still writing this a/n.

bye love ya I'm gonna go wazz

- cj

7 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡 - Matt SturnioloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora