episode 6 Training Ground Turmoil

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**Scene 1**

As Ethan rushes back to the campus, the scene shifts to Zone E headquarters, where alarms blare loudly. The technicians scramble to their consoles, analyzing the readings with urgency.

Meanwhile, flying above Zone E, King raises his hands, channeling his spirit with intense focus. The air crackles with energy as he releases a torrent of spirit waves, intentionally directing them toward the sensors positioned throughout the zone. With each surge, the alarms blare louder, signaling the imminent danger of a rift opening. King's expression remains stoic and determined, his power radiating in waves around him as he single-handedly triggers the alarm system.

Technician 1: "Sir, we've got a breach in Zone E! Rift alarms just went off!"

Zone Commander: "Confirm it. What's the source?"

Technician 2: "It's definite, sir. The sensors are going haywire."

Zone Commander: "Isolate the area. Send in a response team immediately. I want to know everything about that rift. Size, strength, any unusual readings."

Technician 1: "Yes, sir! The response team is on its way."

**Scene 2**
**Zone E -night**

King: " You useless fools don't bother sending other squads. Get squads 5, 2, and 8 here now!"

Zone Commander: "Who are you to be barking orders?!"

King's voice booms with authority over the radio.


The Zone Commander's voice quivers in fear as he realizes the gravity of the situation.

Zone Commander: "Y-yes, right away, sir!"

The fear in the Zone Commander's voice is palpable as he hurriedly agrees to King's demand, acknowledging King's dominance and authority.

**Scene 3**
** Campus festival -night**

While waiting for Ethan at the campus festival, Mark's watch buzzes with an urgent tone, signaling the detection of a rift.

Mark: "Uh-oh, looks like we've gotta go."

Sarah: "Jake, so sorry. Catch you later?"

Jake nods understandingly, realizing the seriousness of the situation as Mark and Sarah hurry away to respond to the rift alert.

Jake: " No worries, be safe out there."

**Scene 4**
**Zone E -night**

The squad members rush to the designated area, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they prepare for combat. Their senses are heightened, expecting to face the chaos of a rift encounter. However, as they arrive, they find no rift in sight, only the echoing wails of the alarms piercing through the air.

Confusion sets in among the hunters, their expressions reflecting the uncertainty of the situation. Before they can fully comprehend the absence of the rift, King's booming voice resonates from above, commanding their attention.

King: "Tonight's, Training night who said you can relax when rifts can appear at any moments notice, so for tonight." King declares, his tone authoritative and commanding. "You'll fight me as if I were a rift boss. So prepare yourselves!"

The hunters exchange bewildered glances, their minds racing to process King's unexpected announcement. Before they can react, a surge of spirit waves erupts from King, engulfing the area in a torrential downpour of energy. The force of the waves sends them reeling, struggling to maintain their footing amidst the chaotic onslaught.

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