Episode 1 Resilience Unleashed

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**Scene 1: Ethan's Training Session**


*Ethan stands in a makeshift training area in his friend's garage, exchanging punches with his friend JAKE. Sweat beads on their foreheads as they spar.*

**ETHAN:** (panting) Alright, Jake, I gotta head out. Catch you later.

*Jake nods, wiping sweat from his brow.*

**JAKE:** Sure thing, Ethan. Take care.

*Ethan exits the garage and makes his way home.*


**Scene 2: Dinner with Maya**


*Ethan enters the cozy apartment he shares with his older sister MAYA. Maya is setting the table for dinner.*

**MAYA:** Hey, Ethan, you're just in time for dinner. Have a seat.

*They sit down to eat as Maya serves dinner.*


**Scene 3: Attack of the Spirit Bear**


*After dinner, Ethan and Maya retire to their respective rooms for the night. Suddenly, a loud crash echoes through the apartment.*

**ETHAN:** (alarmed) What was that?

*Ethan rushes out of his room and is met with a terrifying sight: a massive SPIRIT LIKE BEAR crashing through the door of their apartment.*

**ETHAN:** (shocked) What the?!... what is that?

*The bear lunges at Ethan, who is initially unable to see it. He tries to defend himself but is quickly overpowered.*

*As the bear lands its first few hits, Ethan's vision blurs, and he begins to see the bear clearly.*

**ETHAN:** (in pain) What... what is this thing?(grunts)

*Maya rushes out of her room, alarmed by the commotion.*

**ETHAN:** (desperately in pain) Maya, go back inside!

*Terrified, Maya quickly retreats into her room and shuts the door.*

*With Ethan's strength fading, he realizes he's in grave danger.*

**ETHAN:** (thinking to himself) I'm done for... please, someone help.

*Suddenly, the KNIGHT LADY appears, prying the bear's jaws open and tossing it outside. With a swift motion, she ends the creature with her sword.*

*Ethan passes out from his injuries.*


**Scene 3: Awakening After Three Years**


(While Ethan starts to wake random symbols start to appear)

*Ethan slowly regains consciousness in a hospital bed, disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings. The room is quiet, save for the soft hum of medical equipment.*

*The door creaks open, and a NURSE enters the room, her attention focused on the medical chart in her hand. She assumes Ethan is still asleep and approaches his bedside.*

**NURSE:** (muttering to herself) Vital signs stable... no significant changes...

*Suddenly, the nurse glances up and freezes as she sees Ethan stirring. Her eyes widen in shock as she realizes he's awake.*

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