Episode 3 Frozen Fury

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**Scene 1:**

[The scene opens with Ethan opening the door to find the mysterious man he saw earlier standing outside. He hesitates for a moment before inviting him in.]

Ethan: (Surprised) "You... You're the man from outside. How did you...?"

Spirit Doctor: (Smiling cryptically) "Ah, we have much to discuss, Ethan. May I come in?"

[Ethan nods, still puzzled, and the Spirit Doctor enters the room, shutting the door behind him.]

Spirit Doctor: "I am the Spirit Doctor. I come during the nightshifts to attend to spirit hunters after their battles ."

[They exchange greetings as the Spirit Doctor examines Ethan's injuries, tending to them with practiced efficiency.]

Ethan: "Thank you... but I can't help but wonder, doctor. How did you get from outside to here so quickly?"

[The Spirit Doctor chuckles softly and reaches for something concealed beneath his cloak. He reveals a glowing symbol on his wrist.]

Spirit Doctor: "This is my Spirit Seal. It grants me the power of speed. A gift from the spirits themselves."

[Ethan's eyes widen in astonishment as he realizes the significance of the symbol.]

**Scene 2:**

[Ethan, intrigued by the Spirit Doctor's revelation, begins to ask questions about spirits and their powers.]

Ethan: "Spirits... Powers... It's all so much to take in. How do you know so much about them?"

Spirit Doctor: "I've dedicated my life to studying the ways of the spirits, Ethan. Their powers, their origins, their anatomy. It is a path few dare to tread."

[Ethan listens intently as the Spirit Doctor shares his knowledge, explaining the different types of spirits and the significance of their seals.]

Ethan: "And these seals... they grant special abilities to those who possess them?"

Spirit Doctor: "Indeed. Each seal is unique, imbued with the essence of a specific spirit. It is a bond between human and spirit, a conduit for their power."

[Ethan nods, absorbing the information with a mixture of fascination and apprehension.]

Spirit Doctor: "But enough about me, Ethan. There are matters of greater urgency at hand. We must speak of the battle that rages beyond these walls."

[As the Spirit Doctor's words hang in the air.]

**Scene 3:**

[The scene shifts back to Kaito, Rei, and Akira locked in a fierce battle with the hybrid ice spirit.]

Rei: "Flames, embrace!"

[Rei channels his spirit flames, engulfing the spirit in a blazing inferno. The spirit writhes in agony as the flames lick at its icy form, but it quickly retaliates.]

Akira: "Radiant prison"

[Akira summons beams of radiant light that converge on the spirit, piercing through its defenses and pinning it in place. The spirit roars in frustration, its movements restricted by the ethereal chains of light.]

Kaito: "I'll finish it off!"

[Kaito charges forward with his signature technique, Tempest Slash, ready to deliver the decisive blow. But before he can strike, the spirit breaks free with a burst of icy energy, sending shards of ice flying in all directions.]

Kaito:(grunts)"Tempest Slash!"

[Kaito stops halway shifting his attack as he deflects the incoming ice projectiles with swift sword stance change, pushing the ice back with his tempest slash, protecting himself and his comrades from harm. The spirit, now free from its constraints, prepares to unleash another devastating attack.]

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