Chapter 5

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Later that day, Astraea woke up 3 hours before Éresme and her went to the Ballet. She hated the idea that she had to go alone with Éresme.

 But she was excited she was going to do something different Tonight, something other than going around the city with Juniper looking for vampires. 

But… she was also scared Éresme said that he had some “friends” that were going to be in the show Tonight, probably one of them knew why that vampire killed her parents.

Her parents had a lot of secrets. She remembered that a month before her parents' deaths they had to do a business trip in Europe. They said that they were going to stay In Prague, Paris, London and Rome. A month later… they were Death.

She loved her parents but she needs to know what they did wrong to deserve their deaths. She needed clarity, she needed peace.

A knock on the Door interrupts her Thoughts.

“Come in!”- She said softly.

A multitude of  servants entered the room suddenly, filling the space with movement and murmur. Behind them there was Éresme walking to her his moves elegant and refined; he was already half dressed for their Date? She didn't even know what to call it at this point.

He had on purple-ish dress pants and a black button up shirt, His hair was pulled back in a little bun and… he had make up on? He had some black eye liner on and just the tiniest tint of blush.

“Bonsoir Cherie! Did you had a good nap?”- He said with a smile on his face.

“Yes, I did until you came in”- she said, a little grumpy.

“No no no, you are not allowed to be grumpy or upset or serious, I want you to smile just a little bit. I want you to have fun tonight. I want you to relax.”


“No buts No complaints and above all no stress or fear, my friends can smell it from a mile away, my friends love scared and stressed people, i'm doing this for protection for the both of us… Understood?”

Astraea nods- “I understand”- she looks around the room- “ Why are all of these people here?”

“They are going to help you dress, You are a size… 16 right?”

“How do you know?”

“I guessed”- he smiled at her- “Well i'm going to finish getting ready… Remember to have fun.”

He left the room, she noticed how he swayed his hips kinda like a cat, she thought it was funny, He wanted her to have fun and that is what she is going to do.

Later, she was ready, She looked beautiful she haven't felt like a princess in a long time, she choose a beautiful silk dress it was lilac, it made her curves looked stunning the makeup was the same color as the dress and her hair was a very fancy but simple up due, she also had long white gloves on and tiny purse the only things it could fit in there was a compact mirror an amethyst and a Lipstick.

Éresme was waiting for her in the living room. He hoped for her to be stunning Tonight, after all he told his servants to leave her as beautiful as possible and also to treat her well.

He sent people to help her with her hair, her makeup with her dress, he sent snacks and champagne for her.

Éresme wanted Nothing but the best for Astraea. She needed to be pampered, she needed to forget for a little while.

He could tell she was tired, exhausted, he knew what she felt, he has been feeling the same way for at least 2 centuries…

His Thoughts were interrupted by a sweet and soft voice.

“So… are you ready?”- Astraea said, while he looked at her with a spark in his eyes she looked amazing. 

“You look… decent, finally I can see you with something different than jeans and a t-shirt”- he said clearing his throat- Shall we get going?

Astraea rolled her eyes, they started walking to Éresme's car, it was gorgeous, elegant, sexy, very much like him.

They got to the Ballet theater. It was big and very warm inside. The light was dim and yellow and all the people were dressed elegantly but Éresme and Astraea were catching everyone’s attention. They dressed differently, a little more Colorful than a lot of the people present that night.   

“Grab my hand cherie”-Éresme said between his teeth.

“I don't want to do that”- Astraea Said upset.

“Do it!”

“Fine fine!”- she grabbed his hand and noticed that he had long, black, little pointy fingernails.

“I… like your nails”- Astraea said

“Oh wow i got a compliment out of you”- He said sarcastically, He checked hers out- “You need a manicure, look at those cuticles.”

“You are insufferable”- She said in a murmur as they sat in their seats.

“Shhh is about to begin”- He said with excitement in his voice.

Éresme was murmuring to her, He was telling her that he worked here in this same theater about a hundred years ago, He designed and sewed many of the costumes including that of the protagonist, He was a natural for designing and sewing, he was very creative and the costumes were gorgeous.

When the show ended he grabbed her hand and guided her to the back stage.

“Where are we going?”- Astraea asked, very confused.

“Pay a visit to my friends”- he said while he was tugging her.

The two of them stepped into the backstage where all of the dancers were talking about their performances tonight, Astraea was nervous she was having so many feelings about this.

“Here they are!”- said Éresme with a lot of happiness in his voice, clearly he hasn't seen his friends in a long time. He hugged them both- “Astraea these are Celine and Colette my friends… they are vampires”- He said in a murmur both girls were so beautiful, tall and pale both blond and both had very deep brown eyes and their cheeks were a little red.

“She smells weird”- Celine said with a disgusted face.

“Sister! be nice to the girl we just met her ''- Colette extended her hand and she was smiling.

“Im Astraea Alcaraz, nice meeting you girls”- Colette's face went blank all of the sudden and quickly pulled back, her and her sister looked… scared? 

“You are a hunter! you have come to kill us”- Celine almost screaming.

“No! Kill you? I don't even know you! I need answers as to why my parents were killed and who killed them.”- Astraea was a little bit shaken- “What exactly  do you  mean by  hunter?”- The silence was loud, but Celine decided that she was going to break it.

"What i mean is that Your dear Mom and Dad were vampire hunters"- Celine said with annoyance in her voice.

Astraea was shaken by the revelation that she knew she was a witch because of her grandmother… But a vampire hunter? she has never killed anyone not even a fly, she was planning to kill a vampire but it was just one.

Astraea needed to clear her mind, she needed to get out of there as soon as possible because she felt like she could not breathe.

“Éresme… I need a moment, alone.”- she ran off from the theater, she was crying, she felt betrayed by her parents, she kept asking herself the same question why didn't they say anything.

She needed more answers and she knew exactly where she would find them.

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