Chapter 1

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Prague, 1996, 6:30 pm

Astraea, who lost her parents to a vampire, traveled across America and Europe. She met all sorts of creatures but she had not found any vampires yet, only gargoyles, werewolves, ghosts, and Hell she has even encountered gods, demons, and angels.

Despite the tough search, she found Europe beautiful - with bluer skies, greener grass, and amazing food. She enjoyed traveling, even though her reasons were sad.

"Hey Astraea," Juniper interrupted her thoughts.

Astraea replied, "Yeah, sorry, I got lost in thought."

Juniper asked curiously, "So if we don't find any vampires here in Prague, where to next?"

Astraea answered, "Paris. If we don't luck there, Italy's next on the list."

Astraea felt a little pressured by her best friend even tho her best friend offered to travel with her she tended to be a bit of a control freak when it came to planning the traveling but it was fine Juniper it was like a rock to Astraea she was there in her parents funeral and she also supported her with this crazy idea of coming to Europe to find vampires.

"So... we are here" they are standing in front of a Hotel, they get in the big golden door, they check into the room, they go straight to the room they were exhausted they had been exploring Prague all day, it was time to rest because tomorrow they were going to make more exploring but there was a problem Astraea cloud, not sleep, she was just thinking, she was just thinking about everything so she decided of going on a walk yes it was like 4:30 AM but she didn't care she needed to distract herself.

So there she was walking alone, on a very cold night in Prague she kept thinking about her Mom in moments like this she missed her, her Mom loved the cold weather, but she also was thinking about her dad absolutely hated the cold weather... It was moments like this when she needed them she wanted to talk to them so badly, that she missed them... a lot.

"Bonjour,qui est là ?" - It was a male voice, not too deep but not soft, which made Astraea nervous to respond. "Bonjour..." she replied awkwardly. "Je suis perdu, je ne sais pas où aller," he said as he stepped into the light. Astraea saw a tall, pale figure with reddish-blond hair, she was sensing something peculiar about him- he didn't have an aura it was almost as if he was dead.

"Je ne parle pas français," she uttered sloppily, to which he gave her a funny look, perhaps teasing her lack of French knowledge. "Don't worry, I speak English too," he reassured her, surprising Astraea. "Oh well, hello you. "You said you were lost?" he agreed. "Yes, I don't know where I'm going," he admitted with a mischievous smile. As she inched closer, he mentioned wanting to go to the Museum. "I don't think I can take you there; I'm as much of a tourist as you," she nervously quipped.

"You seem to know a lot of stuff," he remarked, getting closer. At this point, Astraea was certain she had encountered her first vampire. "I-I don't know that much," she said, terrified, pressed against a tree. Feeling her cold body against hers, she wanted to run but was too frozen with fear. "I'm not a tourist, little witch," he sneered, moving closer to her neck. In a swift motion, she pushed him hard, causing him to fall to the ground then in a quick motion she cast a protection spell on herself so he could not see her and ran as fast as she could, determined to escape.


Blood moon: The Chronicles of AstraeaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant