Chapter 63 - The Way To Break The Curse

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After the war starts, walking around the capital has become quite easy. That's because Pan Zhiqiang managed to take down many of the enemy's captains and took over every post made within the capital.

Even now, Pan Zhiqiang has made significant movement by surrounding the castle.

Jin Qiu knew that it won't take that long until Pan Zhiqiang can completely take over the castle.

"Why can't I find the Emperor?" Long Huang stepped in front of Jin Qiu. He took the risk to sneak out of Mao Xiaodan's sight in order to meet the Emperor and maybe, can convince the man to let go of Jin Qiu. But no matter where he look, he can't find the Emperor.

Jin Qiu pointed his gun towards the other man. "How brave of you to come here all alone. Confident that you will be able to defeat me?"

"I didn't come here to fight you. I'm looking for the Emperor."

Jin Qiu released one shoot near Long Huang's foot, yet the man didn't show any fear. That alone is worth compliment because usually, one would at least feel scared.

"I'm wrong. I knew." Long Huang admitted and slowly getting on his knees. "You can do anything to me, but you need to know that everything I did is for the sake of the Emperor."

"You're doing it for your fucking self!" Jin Qiu shouted. "You want Zhengsheng to be your ideal Emperor. Cold hearted, unloving, cruel. Have you ever thought just how lonely Zhengsheng was?"

"At that time, I moved based on what His Majesty wanted me to. In my eyes, he looks better by killing off his feeling. And when I heard that he fell in love, I was thinking that love will eventually destroy him. That's why I choose to see Mao Xiaodan again."

Jin Qiu raised an eyebrow and looked at Long Huang. "What do you mean by again?"

"Because I was the one who told Ren Zhengsheng the way to consume that monster blood. The way to get more power as exchange of his sanity. In a way, I was the one who made him became this strong."

Both Jin Qiu and Long Huang turned to look at Mao Xiaodan who leisurely walked closer.

The man's hand holding the head of a guard he killed. Only for a moment though because the man just throw it away.

"I'm already feeling weird because the genius strategist can't find Jin Qiu and figured that he might try to do something." Mao Xiaodan started again. "I was right when I choose to follow him secretly. He took me to see you, Jin Qiu."

Long Huang seemed to notice Mao Xiaodan's strange movement and choose to step in. What he didn't expect was the sword that pierced through his stomach.

Jin Qiu widened his eyes. "You?!" He holds onto Long Huang when Mao Xiaodan pulled his sword back. "Don't you two work together?! How the hell can you do something like this?!"

"Won't you do the same?" Mao Xiaodan asked.

"You crazy bastard... I might be a mafia, but I will never use this kind of dirty trick like you. Your way just show that you're even dirtier than me."

Hearing that, Mao Xiaodan started to laugh. Of course, he always knew that Jin Qiu won't do things like him. The man stepped into the underworld, but even so, the man would never touch innocent people. That was why the man has the support of so many people around him.

"I know. But I knew that I will never get you if I use normal way." Mao Xiaodan replied.

Mao Xiaodan stepped forward, but Jin Qiu released a shot right to him. But even after the bulled pierced his leg, he continued to walk forward.

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