Fourth Wish

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A blessing I received from wanting to be a hero, Hero's Journey, was a bit vague. More vague than receiving raw power from a failed wish. That made sense to me, if something were impossible or a stronger will overpowered the wish, it would give raw power to have the strength to overcome. That's why Shizu's death was still a scar on my heart. I did not want to impose my will on her. But my desire to have her in my life almost overshadowed that and went against her own wish.

In the case of Hero's Journey, I always assumed it would follow the structure of a fantasy hero. Meet different races, fight monsters, and a demon lord. Fall in love with the first woman I met on my journey and we would live happily on a farm or as nobles. The only part that was right was meeting different races during my lifetime.

Now, dwarves are an interesting bunch. When someone thinks of them it's all about mining, smithing, hammers, and stone. Kaijin and the three brothers fit the description pretty well. Often, however, people in my previous world wrote worlds where dwarves and elves did not get along. In fact, in this world, they got on pretty well.

"Come on! Drink up!" Kaijin cheered. He and the brothers had brought me and the other two out for drinks at an elf hostess club. From younger to older, dark-skinned to light, from big ones to smaller ones, there was a wide variety of elves.

"I don't think I'll be able to catch up to you without passing out," I laughed it off, not completely comfortable in such a place. But I wanted to accept his thanks.

"You should have seen the look on Vesta's face!" Kaijin, quite drunk, was talking about the minister of Dwargon, who goated Kaijin into taking the magisteel sword request. "We tried to argue the craftsmanship was subpar, but the order was for magisteel swords, not masterworks!" The dwarf laughed loudly.

"I'm sure it was something," I sipped my drink and watched the goblin get teased by some of the other elves.

I was not a fan of them making him balance a chair on his head and a drink on top, but I could see the lust in his eyes. He was enjoying it. As for myself, the girls seemed to pick up quickly and were close enough to me to be alluring while not being close enough for contact.

"If you would like," One of the dark elves moved away from me slightly, talking softly, "I could give you a fortune if that would ease things for you."

"A fortune?"

The dark elf brought out a crystal ball and the others gathered around, "How about we see who your fated one will be?"

She probably picked that option since she thought was the type of guy to have such a thing, "Sure, I would like to see that."

An image began to appear on the ball, I believed that no one would appear and had my eyes shut for a moment. I softly smiled as I reopened them. Shocked. My mouth opened a little, trying to let out a protest. Someone other than Shizu was there. She had short blond hair, dark skin, and a fire in her eyes I had not seen before. The crystal ball did not reveal where they were, but I genuinely believed she noticed the fortune and smiled at me. I suppose fated person is not necessarily a wife, lover, or whatever it else it could be called. But a fated encounter.

"I didn't recognize her," Kaijin said, "But it looks like your fated one is an interesting person if they are tied up with you, a retired legend."

"I don't recognize them either," I looked up to Kaijin, "So has my name a weight in our deal?"

Kaijin laughed, "I already agreed to work for you. Trust? Someone like you I can have faith in. A city for monsters run by a human. It's as crazy, but I can put trust in someone like you."

"Thank you for that," I gestured to cheer when the door to the club was thrown open.

"Vesta," Kaijin said with a harsh breath.

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