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The next day I got up early. I woke Zac up and then the kids so we can take them to where they gotta go. My sister is where I would assume is the hospital so my brother is gonna babysit the two youngest today. I texted him and he said it was cool so I got them dressed. We all left the house and got in the car as I dropped them off

After I dropped them off I pulled off and went to the one known location that I had targeted since yesterday. I parked and sat there as Zac looked at me "What are you about to do?!" I looked over at him "I don't know but we about to find out... if I don't come out in five minutes you know what to do" he nods and I get out the car

I walked up to the door and turned the nob. It was locked of course. So I knocked lightly as it just got louder and louder and then someone opened the door. Not just anyone she did. She looks at me and smiles "Oh what a surprise! are you ready to admit your faults" I pushed past her because clearly she think this is a joke

I looked at her "You stabbed my sister?!" She laughs lightly "Now why would I do such a thing" I stare at her not saying anything for a few seconds then I spoke "I'm not here for the games... did you or did you not" she laughs again "Okay well since you insist I tell... I did stab her but it's your concern why"

I tilted my head "That's my sister.." she stares at me "And that was my son... so now what?!" I went to reach behind me and before I could do anything I heard movement behind me and a gun sound. I stopped and put my hands up and she smiles at me "Careful we don't want nothing to happen to you" I turned around and looked only to see the other half of what she created" I smiled at him

"Problem?!" He looks at me and smiles "Hi Fatima" I laughs lightly "Hey... soo we both know you're not gonna pull that trigger so hand it over" he looks at his mom then back at me "I don't think I can" I roll my eyes "Fine I'll just take it..." I grabbed his arm and took the gun out of his hand. I then pointed it at the mom and she puts her hand up

I looked at her "See this is what happened last time you know to your son... but he was turned around" I walked over to her and turned her body ever so lightly as I spoke again "Then he was on his knees" I kicked her in the back of both of her legs so she went down as I continued "And the gun was pointed to his head just like right now" I held the gun up to her head

She stays in that position as she spoke "You don't have the heart to do it..." I laugh a little "Oh?! But you thought I had the heart to kill your son?! This is just deja vu is it not?!" As I was talking Zac had walked in and stood next to me. He looked at her then back at me as he spoke "Who is this?!" I looked back at him "oh this is Theresa... you know the lady who stabbed my sister" his eyes went wide

"why would she do such a thing?!" I shrugged "Because she's crazy and she thinks I killed her son" he looks at me confused "Who is her son?!" I laugh lightly "Oh it's Kingston" he sighs "Oh wow" she then speaks "Okay are you gonna kill me or not cause you're wasting my time..." I laugh a little "I don't know yet.. I'm keeping the gun but your life depends on my sisters life"

She sighs "Meaning what?!" I stay silent for a second then spoke "Meaning if she doesn't make it out of this hospital bed with very minor injuries I will be back here and I'm going to do you worse that your son got did and trust me I've learned a lot so it won't be hard to figure out what I wanna do" as I was speaking her other son walks over "Mom you stabbed her sister?!" So I looked over at him

"she did... I guess she thought she was getting even but we aren't even until she sheds blood" I let Theresa stands up and turns to look at me "Listen girl..." I stopped her as I pointed the gun at her again "Aht Aht watch what you say to me I still have all access to pull this motherfucking trigger" she sighs "as I was saying you caused this on yourself so if something was to happen I wouldn't feel bad" I laugh lightly "You kidnapped my son and stabbed my sister this will never be over even after that"

She then looks at Zac "Hey didn't you work with my son?!" He nods "Yes ma'am" she tilts her head "So why are you still standing behind this thing?!" I shake my head "Because he can and he's more loyal than your son ever was so does it really matter" he nods "Yes it matters because you a corrupting him" Zac then chimes in "I don't mean to interrupt this conversation that's clearly about me but um lady I'm a grown ass man nobody is corrupting me... I've been with her family since your son was here I'm not just going to up and leave because he is gone that's not how that works" I looked at him and smile a little

Zac is sweet and I'm seeing a different side to him since well my husband died so it was kind of nice. Theresa sighs in frustration "Can y'all get out of my house now y'all both are a waste of space" I looked at her "Gladly but remember what I said I'll be back if my sister has anything other then minor injuries" she waves me off and I give Kingstons brother a hug before me and Zac walk out the door and goes back to the car

I threw the gun in my backseat and Zac eyes go wide "Careful that could've went off and hit one of us" I waved him off and laughed a little so he looked at me confused "What's funny?!" I shrugged "The gun doesn't have bullets in it Zachary" his eyes went wide "WHAT?!" He grabbed the gun and checked it to see that I wasn't lying. He then looked at me and spoke "So how was you going to use that on her?!" I laugh again

"I have my own gun that was in the back of my pants... her son pulled that on me but I already knew by the way he was holding it that it didn't have bullets he was tryna give off the illusion that it did so I took it from him and gave her that illusion instead..." he shakes his head "So you did have a weapon on you right?! Just in case it went left" I nod "yes I did... I'm not crazy I knew I needed it on me" he sighs in relief as I started the car and pulled off. I made my way to the hospital to see my sister before doing anything else

Authors Notes: well that was intense wasn't it... let's see how Fatima's sister is doing to decide mother Theresa's fate in this war if life or death

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