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It's always something and even better this time my mother in law is involved. I don't like her and she don't like me so we never really see eye to eye. 32hrs had passed and someone came walking in to my house. I know someone came in cause my alarm system I just got installed went off so I got up to see who it was and what do you know it's Theresa

I looked at her "what are you doing in my house?!" She laughs like something was funny and then she spoke "If you think I'm gonna stand on this god green earth and let you get away with killing my son then you're definitely a fool" I scoff and shoved her against the wall "well lady this side of gods green earth is called my house and stand your ground is very real in L.A so watch where you're walking bitch!!"

She pushed me off of her and then pushed me again as my back hits the corner of the wall behind me. She then puts her hands on around my neck as she speaks "I knew I never liked you but my son thought I was crazy not knowing that the crazy person was the woman he married" I pushed her hand off of me. I had to catch my breath though cause her grip was hella strong

"You kidnapped and harmed my son..." he laughs lightly "You got him back didn't you?!" I put my hands in top of my head because the things I want to do to this lady right now. But because of my kids I'm restraining myself from taking a kitchen knife and stabbing her ass with it


oh right I forgot to start from the beginning so let's catch y'all up shall we...

"who?! What?! Oh my gosh what happened?!" I was confused and just standing there stuck as I start shaking "Someone say something now please..." they didn't say a thing and as fast as my heart was beating I needed them to talk and I needed them to talk quickly "what happened?! Is this blood or not someone talk!!" Artist then speaks "You told us to go play so we did and we went to see if Arvani was up but when we walked in his room he wasn't in there and yes I'm assuming it's blood this was also in his room"

My eyes went wide as I listened to everything they was saying but at the same time mind went blank! Arvani always keeps his AirTag on him no matter the situation so I was hoping it was on him. I picked up my phone and checked his tracking location and thank goodness he had it on him. I grabbed my keys and ran downstairs as Zac watched the kids again I left and went to where my phone pinged

I scrunched up my face because I know who house this is. I walked on the porch and knocked. No answer so I knocked even louder and then finally someone came and opened the door. It was no one but this tired ass lady that was gonna get what she deserved to her if she didn't give me what I came here for

I pushed past her and walked in looking around. She closed the door and looked at me "I assume you are here for your son?!" I laugh slightly "Oh?! What gave it away?!" She shakes her head "Just a wild guess" I looked at her "Look woman I didn't come here to talk give me my son and how the hell did you get in my house?!"

She started making this sound with her mouth and then spoke "See honey you don't have a security system and you don't have guards and the windows and most of your doors is well trash should I continue?!" I rolled my eyes ever so slightly cause yea now I really need to fix that problem really fast too. She stands there staring at me so I spoke "Where is my son Theresa?!" She laughs "I'll go get him" she walks away and I stand there waiting

She then comes back to the room and pushes Arvani to me so I look at him. I caressed his face lightly and he winced in pain so I looked back up at Theresa "What did you do to my son?!" She rolls her eyes "Oh relax I didn't do anything the kid tried to fight back" I stare at her not saying anything then I speak "Are you stupid?!" She waves me off so I speak again "No seriously are you?! Cause that's what people do when they are randomly being snatched from their bedroom" I sigh as I speaks once more "He's 8 years old leave him alone! Now what do you want from me since you got my attention"

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