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We sat on the floor behind the door for a little while longer. Artist got up first and went back to his room while Fatima laid there. She then gets a phone call from her brother so she picks it up to himself screaming "What did you do?!" I at my phone confused "what are you talking about?!" He then speaks again "it's Esscence..." I continue to look confused "Okay what about her I can't read your mind"

He sighs as I can hear him crying a little and my brother never cries so I knew it was something serious. I waited as he speaks again "She may or may not be dead" I jumped up with the quickness as my eyes went wide because what the hell! "How?!" He stays silent for a moment then speaks "I don't know I came over here and her door was left wide open so I walked in and I seen a lot of things hurry and come" he hangs up and I walked in the living room clearly stressed

Zac looks at me and laughs a little "I heard the conversation go I'll stay here..." I smile at him and looks at him "I really appreciate you!" He nods and I walk over to him and leaned down to kiss him. After that I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I went to my car got in it and started it pulling off. I was speeding but didn't give a damn because I had a good excuse so it should be fine. I mean it's not fine but you get the point I was just trying to get there as fast as I possibly can

I got there after what felt like forever even though it wasn't. I parked and got out and and ran to the door walking in. There was blood almost everywhere so I knew my sister put up a fight. I walked all the way in and walked to the kitchen because that's where I heard noises. When I walked in there I seen him sitting on the floor with her in his arms. I didn't see a weapon or anything until I got closer then seen the knife wedged in her chest. Her hands was covered in blood and some of her body and she was wasn't moving so I checked her pulse

I looked at him "She's not dead her pulse is just shallow but we need to get her to a hospital to remove that" he looks at me "why can't we just take it out" he starts to grab the knife but I stopped him "NO! If you remove it with no proper care then she will die because she will bleed out leave it in!" He looks at me "So you didn't do this?!" I shake my head "When would I have time for this and why would I want to hurt my sister?!" He shrugs "I don't know I just thought..." I cut him off "I know what you thought but no I didn't"

He sighs and I looked at the knife that was in her chest for some reason I just kept staring at it because it seemed familiar. I then looked at my brother "Hey does that knife have an engraving on it?!" He looks at it and nods "Yes it does" I squint my eyes "what does it say?!" He looks at it once again and speaks "It says K and F" I shake my head "FUCK!" He stares at me in confusion "What is it Fatima" I looked at him

"I know who did this..." he raises his eyebrow "You do?!" I nod cause I honestly did know this entire thing is giving me deja vu right now and it's freaking me out. I stared at him "Yes I do" he stares at me "who was it and how do you know?!" I don't say anything for a minute because I was thinking but when I was done I spoke "the word that is engraved on the knife is K and F it stands for Kingston and Fatima it's from when we was planning customize different knife sets but only a few people have access to them"

He shakes his head "Only y'all would think to do some shit like that" I roll my eyes "shut up It was a business investment we just didn't go through with it but the ones that was made we just had it set up so that certain people can get to them & use them..." he shakes his head and sighs "So what do we do?!" I stare at him because slowness definitely runs in my family but I answered him anyways "Uhhh call 911 just tell them you found her like this" he looks down at her then at me

"so what about the knife?!" I shrug "What about it?!" He stares at me "The engraving on it" I squint "Nigga I just told you only certain people know about this not the police or hospital people just don't go running your fucking mouth and we will be good" he nods "Fine but she better survive" I give him a sympathy smile "She will but the other person isn't" he sighs "Are you gonna tell me who did it?!" I shake my head because absolutely not "Nope" he throws his hands up "Why not maybe I can help you..."I shake my head again cause this one he can't help with "No this is personal I got it you just worry about getting her to the hospital so she can get that removed and breath properly"

He nods as he looks for his phone "I need my phone can you hand it to me?!" I looked around and seen it on the counter so I picked it up and handed to him before I left. I walked out the house and got in my car and I went home. It was getting late in and I needed to be home for when my kids get up plus Zac is there so he would be my comfort for the night but as I will definitely be doing what I got to do tomorrow for sure

I get to the house and get out the car walking in the house. I see Zac sleep on the couch so I wake him up "Hey..." he looks at me "You okay" I laugh a little and nod even though I wasn't but he didn't need to know that "Yea I'm cool but come on" he looks at me confused "where are we going" I tilt my head a little "To my room silly come on get up" he gets up and I grab his hand and go up to my room. He already had something on to sleep in so that was fine I just changed in to what I wanted to put on and laid down

He laid down right after me and I moved closer to him as he pulled me in. I laid there as he spoke "I know there is something wrong but you don't have to tell me right now" I laughs lightly "Of course you know but let's not talk about it... I do need you to help me with something tomorrow" he sighs "I got you..." I looked at him and he looked back at me "Thank you" he smiles lightly "You know I got you" he pulls me in more and it felt like a comfortable hug and i liked it. We just laid there silently after a while not saying anything cause honestly I didn't wanna talk I just wanted to lay there

Authors Notes: uh ohhh now who would do such a thing...

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