
665 44 15

Los Angeles, California
Monday July 11, 2023

It's been a full year since my husband died. It has not been easy since. There is people left and right after us for the damage he left and now I gotta play damage control on my own with my four sons

Well not all by myself. My husband had a right hand man, his name is Zachary. Zac for short if you may. He has been a huge help just being around and keeping a close eye out for me and my kids as it is greatly appreciated. Over the years I learned a lot from my husband. I have a couple skills and I learned a lot more after he died clearly I had no choice

My husband is a King Pin so he runs a lot of things. When I married him I'm was subjected to be by his side through it all even the worse parts. I was faithful of course the best ride or die wife I could ever be. It was us against the world and then I got pregnant with my first son

Artist Dezekiah

He is currently 12 years old. Watching him grow up has been the best experience I could have. I tried to keep him from the world of danger due to well his Father so I kept him in the dark until he was about 10. He find out about some things by poking around and by then I had no choice but to tell him

I still try to keep him out of harms way but for precaution I took him to a shooting range when he was 11. Now I know the sayings "He's to young" or "what kind of mother are you?!" and honestly im the best to ever do it! I want my kids to be able to protect themselves when I can't and that means by any means necessary. Anyways 10 years later down the line I had my second son

Aurian O'Neal

My second oldest who is 10. He's not the most level headed one of the group so it be taking me time to diffuse the fire when anyone gets him started. He's the sweetest kid that I want to protect from the world but all he wants to do is protect me. He's always had this instinct of being my guard as he always tells me "mom I'm gonna take care of you and protect you for as long as I can" which is so sweet it makes my heart melt

He didn't get the same privilege as my oldest but that's because I felt like he might become a little to trigger happy and I don't need that. But I taught him some other stuff and he learned a lot more from his father since they been having some bonding time. Having boys is hard but they are my responsibility and I need to take whatever steps is necessary. Lastly we got my two youngest

Arvani Marvell and Ameres Samir

These are my two babies! Arvani is 8 and he is super hands on with everything. He still has his innocence because I kinda wanna wait until double digits like my other two. He's the sweetest person ever who would ever want to hurt him. But dealing with enemies left and right this one is on my hip as much as he can be and I have no problems because I can protect him

Ameres is 4 my baby boy. He's an active little boy with the biggest personality. He has no clue about this world yet and anything we got to deal with and I wanna keep it that way for a while. He walks around with out a care in the world and I'm complaining about it. I wish all my boys can be regular kids but with the life I got in to I don't think that is humanly possible in this very moment

Am I missing anything?! Oh yea I forgot to introduce myself Hello I'm Fatima Marie James. A King Pins wife a mother of Four and honestly I feel like the best and stronger than I am before. I am a protector and mother first and everything immediately after. I am not the perfect wife or the perfect anything but I do what I got to do because for me its "by any means necessary" my husband died as I said and it's been hard now not hard as in grieving, hard as in getting the fuck away from all this drama which should be dead and gone

My husband made enemies and for once he couldn't back up his corner so now I'm stuck defending myself and my four kids. I'm gonna forever protect them because if you mess with them you're messing with me. I just wish all this shit went to hell along with my dead and gone husband. Did I have anything to do with his death absolutely not but I'm gonna live up to being a King Pins wife! Now I have a little help as I mentioned Zac he's been super helpful and on my side for whatever I need! He owes it to his partner in crime so here he is and he's sweet but be ready for war at any given time

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