CHAPTER 7 (may 3th)

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I've been eating less these couple of days,well mostly like,potatoes,eggs,salad.etc

I'm starting to hate Alot of foods,like pasta,white bread,and oily foods.

I also don't eat Alot of sugar and chocolate,I'm starting to hate sweets these days

I also played football today ran Alot,I was literally sweating.

Walked alot aswell. It was a very tiring day to be honest. But I'm not complaining

I've been doing good these past few days,the only thing I need to do really is just add more protein to eat in a day,and workout for at least 30 minutes day and everything is good!!!

I'm also trying to sleep early like at 11 PM and drink alot of water.

But I'll push myself to it,till it turns into habit.

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