Melody of Tears: Part Two.

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[]Feels and Trigger warning![]

    Vincent laid down on Mike's couch with Scott by his side. Mike had agreed to take the two in, after the fire had destroyed their house. Jeremy stayed there from time to time, so it was a crowded house. Vincent had gotten out of the hospital thirteen hours after he woke up with Scott. The whole issue puzzled Vince, since Scott had previously rejected him. His sudden attitude change when Vincent was in danger was very...odd for Scott. 

    Scott, wasn't the type for romance. He just didn't care for it. There was rumors he had a high school sweetheart, but not anymore. Ever since they had gotten home, Scott had gotten incredibly clingy. It seemed like he was terrified of losing Vincent again. He always cuddles and hugged Vincewhenever he could, and when he couldn't, Scott would be right at Vincent's side. No matter where Vincent went, Scott was always there right with him. When Scott couldn'tbe with him, he was lonely and lost. Ever since the incident, Scott had changed. 

    Scott laid with Vincent, resting his head on Vincent's chest. He'd stopped wearing the phone head now, Vincent convinced him that there wasn't anything to fear in revealing your face. Scott had reluctantly agreed to this, and Vincent really enjoyed finally being able to truly know Scott for who he was. Vincent smiled as Scottfell asleep. Vince got up carefully not to wake him, then walked to the kitchen. He made himself a cup of coffee, it was late, close to midnight. Vince sighed and closedhis eyes for a moment. Two days until Valentines day, and he still had things to...settle. 

    He thought it best to keep the secret from Scott. Keep it from him until it was settled and over with. Until they could both move on and forget. Anyway, Scott didn'tneed any more stress after what had happened the other day. 

   Vince opened his eyes and began to walk back to the living room,sipping his coffee. Scott whimpered and tossed in his sleep, a habit he had begun to have after they'd come home from the hospital. Vince sighed, knowing that it was his fault Scott hadnightmares like this. He knew tonight would be the best night to go, he hoped that Scott wouldn't take him leaving too hard. He would be back anyway, he would be back before Valentines day. 

    He hoped so. 

    Vince carefully picked Scott up in his arms, trying his best not to wake him,then began to walk with him bridal-style to the bedroom. Best to let him sleep, Vince thought to himself. As Scott began to whimper from the nightmare, Vince began to sing a sweet melody to calm him. 

 "Uh oh, The ballad of a dove

Go with peace and love

 Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket 

 Save 'em for a time when you're really gonna need 'em, oh" 

    As Scott finally began to calm down, Vince smiled and opened the bedroom door. He sighed and set Scott down carefully down on the bed.Vince tried his best to makehim as comfortable as possibly, trying not to touch Scott's unhealed burns too much. Vince covered him up and tucked him in, then crawled into the bed with him, for justa little while. And when Scott began to whimper again, Vincent managed to remember the rest of the song. 

 "I've never known the lovin' of a man

 But it sure felt nice when he was holdin' my hand, 

 There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever,

 Who would have thought forever could be severed by... 

 ...the sharp knife of a short life, oh well? 

 I've had just enough time."

 Vincent sighed and closed his eyes, resting his head on the pillow next to Scott. Then suddenly, Scott threw rolled over and threw an arm around Vincent, holding him close.Vince was a bit started by this, but smiled and ruffled his hair. Scott smiled and opened his eyes, looking up at Vince. "Your song woke me up, but its a pleasant thing to hear when I wake..." He closed his eyes and moved a little closer to Vince. "I want to hear your voice every time I wakeup." Vince chuckled a little, kissing Scott briefly. He felt bad for having to leave him, but it had to be done. 

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