chapter 4 women best creation of Allah ❤

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Later the same night at yousaf's house 💜

Yousaf: where is my son dear zainab he asked to his wife sweetly
Zainab: he is offering maghrib's prayer she said putting the plates on the dinning table
yousaf: let me help you my flower zainab smiled they both started putting the things on the table he look at the smile of his wife , your face still shines the same way how it use to shine when we newly got married
zainab: its because you always treated me like a queen like you use to when we newly got married she said sweetly with a shy smile yousaf came forward and peck her forehead
yousaf: why won't i treat you like a queen when you're the one who completes me who gave birth to my child who takes care of the whole house and the most important you're a women best creation made by Allah swt women should be treated with alot of love because they deserve it he said caressing her cheek they both smiled to each other khadija and zayan both were adoring there parents from the doorframe
khadija: May Allah swt protect this couple from evil eyes she said dramatically entering the dinning hall raising her hands in a dua position
Zayan: "Ameen" he said entering the dinning hall behind her there parents chuckled then they all sat to have dinner saying "Bismillah" ( in the name of Allah) while having dinner none of them talked because its "sunnah " ( how the way Muhammad PBUH did the things is called sunnat e nabi )

In living room

After having dinner zayan and his father both went to the mosque for isha's prayer they both entered the house while talking with each other
yousaf: you did a great job my son im proud that you helped her being in the circle of islam and helping someone is humanity it doesn't matter from which religion they belong humanity should always be remembered and specifically if she is a women our prophet Muhammad PBUH said: ""treat women nicely, a women is created from a rib , so if you try to straighten it, it will break, but if you leave it as it is , it will remain crooked so treat women nicely"" ( sahih al bukhari 3331) zayan nodded with a smile where khadija and zainab just finished offering prayer zayan sat on the sofa beside his dad khadija and zainab joined them
after putting the prayer mat on the table all were now settled in the living area spending quality time with eachother
Yousaf: zayan Tomorrow we have to do charity join me after the university
Zayan: ok dad he said like a obedient child
khadija: dad what about your plan for" hajj"? (  it is one of the pillars of Islam and every Muslim should perform hajj once in there life )
Yousaf: my sweetheart our plan for hajj is almost done after the new project of making the new plaza will complete before the month of hajj then i will leave for hajj along with your mom" in sha Allah" ( by the grace of allah) " in sha allah khadija and zayan said in unison after talking for an hour about other stuff zayan got up
zayan: ok mom and dad if its your permission i will leave to meet my friends i will be home before its to late
Yousaf: permission my son he gave a high five to his father and peck his mother's forehead rufflin khadija's hair he went out of the house taking his car keys

Park's mansion

y/n was sitting in her room but her mind was somewhere else a beautiful smile was displayed on her face after a eternity after many years she was feeling a happiness in herself a excitment her mood was joyful after years of sorrow thinking about him what was in him that made me feel this way a perfect guy he is handsome charming gentle his melodic voice and respect for women's is what makes him attractive you blushed to yourself Mr charming you're making me crazy for you but you held your phone from the side table taking out the blug of the charger you sat up and clicked the icon of google " what is the meaning of Astaghfirullah search you were waiting for the results to come when you heard a glass breaking sound " I SHOULD GET RID OF YOU !!! your dad yelled " I REGRET THE DAY I MARRIED your mother yelled you roll your eyes and angrily got up to shut the door pushing the door it was about to get close I FEEL LIKE
KILLING YOU " THEN DO IT BECAUSE ITS NOT HARD FOR YOU TAKE INNOCENT LIFES "" you stopped on your tracks your hands started shaking your legs became weak the process of breathing was uneven now " i wont let you fall " you held your head because of dizziness " your kook is always there for you" his voice echoed in your mind you tried to take a step but with thud you fall on the floor harshly your eyes blurred there voices were still coming but you couldn't hear anything dragging yourself towards the side table all the scene of that night started hitting your brain and your senses rain , blood all over the road , crashed car which caught fire , and a lawyer's suit covered in blood with trembling hands you opened the drawer with alot of struggles and took out  2 pills putting them into your mouth you swallowed them and closed your eyes a bunch of memories caught a
tornado into your head you started breathing heavily to calm your self after 30 minutes you relaxed a bit gaining your senses back you got up and went to the bathroom you have been getting panic attacks from the last 3 years your parent's didn't use to fight but after what happened 3 years ago they started arguing they dont talk normally anymore sometimes they argue over little things as well after that incident everything changed nothing remained same for anyone .... you came out wearing a white shirt with black jeans and a black leather jacket upon it you were ready to leave the house taking your sports car keys you exited the room that's how you relax your mind by staying out of the house till late night to cure the emptiness you feel to cure the need of peace but still its a temporary peace we all need permanent peace for our mind 💫

10 episodes of this ff is already uploaded on YouTube
Channel name: Tanfixz to search type tanfix ff

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As I already told that this ff already has 10 ep on yt if someone in my readers is reel maker can you plz make reels on this ff because I want every muslim or non Muslim of our youth to read this ff because in this ff I will prove why islam isn't a bad religion and why its rules and regulations has a valid reason behind it ❤💫

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