chapter 2 his name Astaghfirullah ?

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khadija: oh she lives in seocho district zayan nodded now the car was on the way to y/n's house khadija was looking
outside while zayan was feeling awkward because for the first time he was taking other women in his car other than his
sister and mother khadija noticed his state
khadija: what happened dear brother
zayan: nothing im just feeling a little awkward because im helping a girl for the first time but i know allah pak sent me to
help her and helping someone in need is "sawab"(spiritual merit or reward that accrues from the performance of good
deeds and piety.) khadija smiled
khadija: and also the last messenger of allah Muhammad ( PBUH) said : " if a person relieves a muslim of his trouble
Allah will relieve him of his troubles on the day of resurrection " zayan placed his hand on his heart reciting "durood" to send on Muhammad (PBUH)
when all of a sudden y/n woke up still in a drunk condition she look ahead then at her right side a girl was holding her
in her embrance prospectively preventing her from falling
y/n in mind: am i kidnapped? really !!! its gonna be fun
y/n: hey!!! she said cheerfully to khadija
khadija: hi dear sister she said with her beautiful slow accent she greeted her back with the same cheerfulness y/n
look ahead before looking at her again
y/n: are you both kidnappers she said indicating to khadija's niqab which was covering her face while her head was covered in hijab
Zayan:" la hawla walla kuwata illah billah" (there is nor strength except by Allah the lofy the great )he murmured
underneath his lips with a done look khadija look at her brother
khadija: no dear sister we're taking you home safely she said caressing her hand which she was holding y/n nodded not understanding what she said her eyes travel to the driving seat where zayan was driving fully focused on the road she still hasn't came out of his beauty yet
y/n: hey you Mr handsome with sweet honey voice will you plz kidnap me she said grinning khadija's eyes widened along with zayan
zayan: Astaghfirullah( i seek forgiveness from allah) he said shaking his head
y/n: is this his name she asked khadija innocently making zayan sigh in disbelief while khadija was trying so hard to control her laugh
khadija: drive faster astaghfirullah she said teasing zayan
zayan: shut up he said in a low tone after few more minutes of drive they arrived at her place zayan came out of the car to open the door for them he lower his gaze and then pull the handle of door opening it wide for them
y/n: aww Mr handsome is also a Mr gentleman she said pinching his cheek in the ear while making cute sounds
zayan in mind : allah pak is testing my patience today that's why im dealing with this women" ya allah give me "sabr"( patience)  then khadija took her towards her house with alot of struggles after dropping her back she came and sat on the front seat
khadija: ahh" Allhamdulillah" ( im thankful to allah) we dropped her safely and she is safe now she said sighing in relief
zayan:" Allhamdulillah " zayan said with a smile then there car drove away from there

Next morning 🌞

you woke up with a dizzy head a painful hiss left your mouth slowly adjusting your sight with light you sat up
y/n: yahh suzane!!! where is my coffee!!! you yelled to call your maid getting up from the bed you started heading to
restroom when your eyes fell on the mirror wall of your room you went closer to look clearly what you're wearing
actually it was a long frock type of something but it wasn't a frock black in colour reaching till your feets with a scarf
on your head taking it off immediately you look at it awkwardly and started remembering what happened last night
you went inside the restroom

In restroom

turning on the shower you stood beneath the running water the hangover of last night starts fading when the drops
of cold water was crawling on your body making you come back to your senses completely and the event's of last
night also starts flashing infront of your eyes that guy!! you open your eyes wide he helped me
.... again his charming face melodic voice down eyes became clear in your mind you felt a little wierd never in your
life you got attracted towards a boy " what was it and the peace his face was holding never in your life you saw
peace on someone's face you turned off the shower after completing.....

Back In bedroom

coming out of the restroom you were heading to your wardrobe to get ready for university in which you just
took admission you were still thinking about him and his melodic voice that's when you remember the word
you heard from him last night" Astaghfirullah" what does that mean you asked yourself while looking in your
cupboard to wear something today the word was ringing in your mind you got ready wearing your black shorts
red strips top letting your hair fall on your waist spraying your Gucci perfume you took your LV bag and iphone
before heading out of the wardrobe area you sat on the bed to wear your shoes when your eyes fell on the
frock you let a smile formed on your lips he such a gentleman he covered me because my clothes were tore
" i will find you Mr charming saying it to yourself you went out of the room

How was today's chapter should I write more ???

Plz do ignore my mistakes I'm new on wattpad if you know some tips and tricks then dont hesitate to tell me 😊💝💫

For those who are to curious can read the ff on youtube 10 episodes are already uploaded there
Channel name: Tanfixz to search it type tanfix ff 💜

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