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Jason's POV

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Jason stared at his watch.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

In the whole entire universe, another hour as never been slower than this one.

Tiiiiiiick. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.


"Mr. Grace, would you care to pay attention to the board?" Mrs. Shawgo said, staring at him from her readers.

Wait, aren't those for reading?

Jason's head shot up from staring at this watch. "I, uh, sure!" When Mrs. Shawgo's head turned away, he went back to staring. After about seventeen seconds, Jason's mind began to wonder.

Is Percy okay? Is he even alive?

Really, though... what happened? This question stumpted Jason the most. Percy had said that it had been food poisoning, but Jason didn't really believe that.

Only Fifty-three minutes left until I can find out.


Jason was practically shaking in his seat. Mrs. Shawgo had just picked up the phone and was talking into it, Jason could swear he heard his name being spoken. Mrs. Shawgo put down the phone and, turning to Jason, said, "You'd better hurry down to the office, Mr. Grace. Family emergency, it seems." Jason feigned distress as he grabbed his bag and bolted from the classroom.

He got to the office in a few seconds. New record. As he swung the door open before him, he was met with the sight of his sister in one of the office lounge chairs. It had been the longest time since he had seen Thalia, so he stood there, just staring. Thalia popped a bubble in her gum.

"Mr. Grace? You're excused for the rest of the day." One of the office ladies said, waving to the door. "You're free to attended to whatever you need to." Jason nodded and took a step towards Thalia. Her hair was dyed black, and cut into a pixie. She had four piercings on her ears, one more than last time, a nose piercing, and was wearing all black. Plus black make-up.

Really rocking that emo look, sis. Jason thought with a grin.

"What're you looking at?" Thalia asked, scowling. No need for any 'hello'. "I've got things to do after this. Lets go!" Jason following Thalia, straight on her heels, as she exited the building. They walked through the parking lot, stopping at a black jeep. Jason grinned harder.

"C'mon, c'mon." Thalia ushered Jason in, and revved the engine. Jason had barely buckled up before they were off.

It took about fifteen minutes to reach the hospital, and every second of it was filled with Jason worrying about Percy. Thalia pulled up to the medical center, and Jason was about to jump out when Thalia grabbed his arm.

"J-Jase, I... I love you okay? Be safe." With that, she pulled him into a hug. Jason was started for a second before realizing what was happening. She's hugging me? It's nice, He thought. We haven't done this for years. Thalia pulled away and sniffed, almost as if she was on the verge of tears. "A-anyway, I'll see you around. Like I said, I've got things to do." She looked at him one last time and gave him a sad smile before pulling her car away.

Jason watched her go, fighting back tears.

It's really nice to know she cares, but...

When will I ever see her again?

Jason shook his head to clear his thoughts. He could mope over this later, not now, when Percy needed him. He turned and entered the building, speed walking to the guest counter.

"Jackson, Percy." He demanded to the lady. "Room." She gave him a look that said, Chill ur beans, dude. Jason tapped his foot nervously as he waited for her to give him the room.

"Ah... Mr. Jackson's in room 307, down the hall to your left, you'll see it." Jason thanked the woman and left. He made a beeline down the hallway, and managed to miss the room. Jason sheepishly retraced his steps until he found Percy's room.


The door was slightly cracked open, but Jason suddenly found himself having second thoughts.

Jeez, what am I doing!? What is he doesn't want to see me? Will it be weird? I mean we've barely known each other for three days and then we kissed but it's felt like an eternity that I've known him -or all my life?- and I think I really like him-

Before Jason could get lost in his thoughts that where swirling away to doom, he barged into the room. He was met with the sight of Percy sleeping peacefully on the bed, a monitor beeping a steady rhythm and and I.V. attached to his arm. Jason sighed, happy Percy was okay.

Not dead.

Jason noticed that there were flowers on the table, with a note that said, Love you, Perce. Be back soon. ❤Mom & Paul

That's sweet, Jason thought as he kneeled down next to Percy. Jason couldn't help but admire Percy's lovely features; his raven hair, sea green eyes (even if Jason couldn't see them now), and his nice tan.

Jason suddenly got an urge. "Percy, I think I-" Percy opened his eyes. "What?" He demanded. "You think what?"

Jason was at a loss for words. Was Percy awake? This whole time?! "I, um... think I left my pee at Annabeth's house?" Percy choked and doubled over, laughing. "That's the worst excuse I've ever heard!" Once the both of them had stopped laughing, they were met with an awkward silence.

After a while, Percy took a deep breath. "Jason... why are you here? We've barely known each other for three days..." Percy looked away, an unreadable expression on his face.

That is the true question... Jason thought. Percy's question had almost left him at a loss for words. Almost.

"It's because... I guess... I have a good feeling about you? I dunno. It feels like I've known you forever, even though it's only been a few days... It's confusing. But... I think I like you. Maybe a lot?" Jason's face burning, he got up and beelined to the door.

Percy opened his mouth to protest, but before he could, Jason called over his shoulder, "Get better! I'll see you at school tomorrow if you come! Or the day later! Uh... catch you on the other side!" Jason cringed at the line, but it had saved him.

As Jason began to walk home, he let a small smile come to his face. Little did he know, Percy was doing the exact same.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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