Stop Doing That With Your Eyes!

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Jason's POV

Luckily, by the time Jason's first period was over, everyone had mostly forgot about about the incident, but there were still a few whispers going around, and side-long glances being cast at him. Jason was desperately hoping that this little... event didn't reach Percy... nobody knew who he had been talking about, since Jason had said "he", but Jason had the feeling that some of his close friends might have a suspicion about it.

Jason rushed through the hallways, trying to specifically avoid Piper in particular, and he thought he had succeeded... until he felt a hand snag his arm. He jerked around, seeing Piper out of breath from chasing him.

"There you are! We have to talk, Jason." Before Jason could even make a move to run away, she dragged him to a secluded corner in the hallway. "Alright. Who was it, Jason? Who were you talking about?" She questioned him, eagerly searching his face for answers. "Was it Leo? Or that goth kid, Nico? I've seen you eyeing him. What about Frank? I guess he's hot. Or... I dunno... Was it Percy?" She looked doubtful at the last name said, and Jason didn't know wether to feel offended or relieved.

"Uh... it was no one, Piper." Jason said, moving away because he was acutely aware of the time ticking away to the final bell.

"Come back here!" Piper exclaimed, trying to reach for his arm again. "We're not done!" But Jason was already scrambling away down the hallway, rushing toward his second period. The halls were now deserted, everyone already in their classes. He glanced back, but conveniently for Piper, they were right next to her class, so she had already disappeared behind the door, as it was rapidly closing behind her.

Almost there, almost there...!!



Jason was late for yet another class.

Percy's POV

As the bell to head to second period rang, Percy left his first period, creative writing, and headed towards his second period, english. Once he got there, he idly started stared out the window into the hallway. The bell had not rung yet, but there was a few seconds left.

Most of the kids were already in their classes, leaving the halls deserted. Percy suddenly noticed that Jason and Piper were huddled together, talking, in one of the hallways' corners. Jason suddenly jerked himself away from Piper, who made a grab for him and failed. Jason began running, presumably toward his second class.

Band. Percy mentally slapped himself for knowing that.

He watched as Piper frowned at Jason for a moment before disappearing behind a door, her next class. Percy's attention was drawn away from the little scene when his teacher, Mr. Smith, called for attention. Though, Percy promised himself, one way or another, he would find out what happened.

After a long lecture from Mr. Smith, Percy found out that for English they were starting a new assignment, a two page essay on the former president James Polk.

I've never even heard of this guy before! Percy internally grumbled, preparing himself for a long period and lots of homework.

///time skip\\\

After english, history, and science, Percy was starving and ready for lunch. He walked to the cafeteria with Leo flanking him, and Jason on Leo's other side. They all shared science, and during the lesson, Jason had kept on glancing at Percy when Percy was already glancing at Jason, which led to a lot of embarrassed and nervous chuckles and the two of them awkwardly turning away with their heads down.

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