Jason becomes a love struck chicken

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Okay, I realized quite a few mistakes I made in the first two parts, and I would like to let you know that I am changing everyone's age! Earlier I had said that the driving age was 14 because I had made everyone 14, but now I realize I don't want them to be 14 because that will mess up an idea I have for later. So, now, everyone is 16 unless I say that they are not. Thank you!

Jason's POV

As the night went on, Jason could not help but find himself attracted to Percy. He was like a new shiny treasure that Jason wanted to know all about. So far, Jason had found out a few things about Percy, his new shiny treasure. Percy liked blue food, he smelled like the sea, but not the disgusting fishy way, more of the way the... Well, Jason couldn't explain it, but he knew he liked it. 

And then, there was Percy's looks. His gorgeous sea-green eyes, his silky hair (Jason totally hadn't touched it when Percy wasn't looking), and then his perfectly tanned skin. Everything about Percy was perfect.

There was only one more thing Jason longed to know about Percy. What Jason knew he'd be secretly wondering for many nights to come.

How his lips felt.

Jason wanted to know the texture. Soft, smooth? Hard, but the right amount? 

Jason wanted to feel those lips with his own. 

"Stop it, Jason," his mind scolded him. "You aren't a love struck chicken!"

"But what if I am?" He thought back, thinking of Percy's gorgeous face. "Well, just love struck. Not a chicken." He added quickly.

 "MMMM HMMmm" his mind shot back.

 "SHUT UP!" Jason's hand flew to his mouth, relizing he had said that out loud. 

"You good, Jason?" Leo said, shooting him a concerned look. Jason just nodded, temporarily not trusting himself to speak. "Well, you better be," Leo continued, an excited look forming on his face "because I have a surprise! Because its my birthday, I want this to be a special experience, for all of us! And" Leo shot a pointed look at Annabeth "some of you may not like it, but, I GOT US SOME ALCOHOL." He said loudly, a maniac smile painted on his face.

At his words, Piper darted forward, her hands cupped and raised. "GIVE" She demanded, waving her hands in Leos face. While Leo swatted Piper away, Annabeth and Hazel exchanged a glance, and then Hazel shrugged. Addressing Leo, she said, "I mean... If its fun... And if no one will find out...." She trailed off, giving Annabeth an apologetic look.

Annabeth glanced around, obviously unsure of what to do. "Okay, what kind is it?" She asked Leo. Leo shrugged. "I don't know the types!" He exclaimed "All I did was ask a friend of mine to grab the best they could find!" Annabeth sighed at that. 

Leo looked over to Jason. "C'mon, Jason," He begged. "Its my birthday, and it will be fun! Please...." Leo said the last part in a baby voice, giving Jason the best puppy dog eyes he could. Jason finally relented. "Okay, fine." He agreed. Leo turned away and murmured "yes!" Under his breath.

"But" Jason added "as long as it doesn't get too crazy." In the end, everyone agreed, even Annabeth, though with a little reluctance. And then the fun began.

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