Last Night's Been Haunting Me

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--------Percy's POV

Percy awoke to a soft beam of sunlight on his face. He groggily put a hand over his head, trying to go back to sleep, but it was no use. The sun was practically blinding. After a minute of  lying wherever he was, he slowly sat up and looked around. 

He was laying on the couch, at Leo's house, he remembered, and everyone else who had attended the party was sprawled out around him. Leo on the floor, and it looked as though he had fallen off the couch while he slept. Hazel was on the floor as well, in the middle of the room, cuddling with the twister mat as a blanket. Annabeth was sleeping on top of Piper in the center of the couch, and Jason was sleeping peacefully at the opposite end. Percy's mind flashed back to last night. Much to his relief (and a tad of disappointment) he and Jason hadn't done anything after everyone else had crashed, proceeding to fall prey to sleep themselves just a few minutes later.

Percy glanced over to the clock that hung in the kitchen, seeing that the time read 9:08 am. He looked away, thinking nothing of it. 

Wait. 9:08... It's Tuesday...

"Shit!" Percy exclaimed, standing up. "Guys, guys! GET UP. It's 9:08!" He hurled pillows at Leo, who shot up with a "HAHHH?" and banged his head on the side of the couch, waking up Jason.

"9. 0. 8!" Percy enunciated, now throwing pillows at Annabeth and Piper, who were scrambling away from each other, red-faced, as they realized the position they were in. "School starts at 9:15! We're going to be late!"

^^|///////+time skip+\\\\\\|^^

After Annabeth and Piper carpooled with Percy, Hazel carpooling with Leo, and Jason taking his own car, they all arrived in the school parking lot and sprinted towards the building, since all the spots that were near the entrance were now occupied because of all the students that had arrived before them.

"Leo! Did you have to have a party on a Monday?!" Annabeth panted, trying to hit Leo while they ran. Leo managed to expertly dodge, Annabeth's hand only grazing his shoulder.

"You guys weren't supposed to spend the night!" Leo exclaimed, shrugging.

With a wince, Percy checked his phone to see that he had several missed calls and texts from his mother.


Five missed calls

3 voice-mails

14 texts

"Percy? When are you going to get home? We're havi..."

"Percy? Why aren't you answering? I swear I'll groun..."

"I have it for you, young man."

"Fuck..." Percy thought, almost tripping as he ran while he stared at his phone. He suddenly looked over and saw Jason staring at him, with a hooded look over his eyes. Percy blushed slightly, and looked away. Once the group of teenagers reached the building, they dispersed, everyone heading for their respective first class. Hazel walked with Percy, since they shared first period.

"Ugh, I have a headache from last night..." Hazel groaned, rubbing her forehead.

Percy winced, feeling the dull throb in his head as well. "Yeah..." He agreed, thinking about last night made his mind wander to Jason once again.

"Gods, stop it, you little fuck!" Percy thought, hissing at himself. Hazel shot him an odd look. "You just met him yesterday!" Actually, that wasn't true, Percy realized with a moment of shock. He suddenly remembered that he had shared kindergarten, third grade, and fourth grade with Jason. And they went to the same middle school, as well as the same high school. Why had he let that evade him? How could he have forgot? Percy dully noted remembering eyeing Jason before, in earlier grades, but he was sure that it wasn't this bad...

"Gods... how can one night change everything?"

Jason's Pov

Once Jason had arrived in his first period, history, the teacher reprimanded him for being late. 

"How unfair!" Jason thought, trying not to let it show how pissed he was. "I'm never late!" After an annoyed sigh, he took his seat, and watched as Piper got the same scolding. But, halfway through the lecture, Jason's mind began to drift. A couldn't help it. No matter what he did, his mind kept wandering back to last night. To Percy. 

"God's he's... he's perfect." 

Jason suddenly took a rush of air in and looked around, horrified. He had said that out loud. The classroom was dead silent, making his voice echo slightly before fading away. The teacher, Miss Beckander -an old, witch like wrinkled woman- choked on the glass of water she seemed to always be sipping. A few of the kids in the class stared at him in shock, a few laughed and giggled, others choked on their spit like Miss Beckander had her water, and some didn't even look up from their textbooks.

Jason looked over to Piper to see her practically crying, holding her hand over her mouth. Once she fully realized that he was looking her way, she quickly composed herself, but not before mouthing, We'll talk about this later.

Miss Beckander cleared her throat menacingly, and the class quickly stifled their laughs or chokes and got back to work. One of the kids had to be dragged off to the nurse because he couldn't stop choking. Jason was a furious shade of red as he tried to focus on the words in his textbook, feeling utterly humiliated. He could feel Miss Beckander's wide, unblinking gaze boring into him. 

"Percy can't know about this."

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