Chapter 8

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I woke up feeling a warm figure against me.

"Ryder?" I ask ,my voice groggy.

"Yes,princess?" He asks. I just smile.

It's now Saturday and I just want to rest.

"Why do you call me princess?" I ask

He chuckles. "When we were five years old till we were 8 you would always show me your princess dresses." His voice cracks slightly.

I burst out laughing at his voice crack. He slaps my knee playfully.

"It's not my fault." He states.

I still laugh.

"So that's why you call me princess?" I look into his eyes. He nods and I smile.

"Come down for breakfast!" I hear Jasmine yell. I get out of bed and brush my teeth, Ryder following me.

I give him an extra unused toothbrush and we brush our teeth.

After brushing my teeth I brush my hair, my head hurting as I brush my tangled hair.

"Here let me help." He gently takes the hair bursh and brushes my hair.

He braids it and makes my hair look neat. I smile "Thanks."

We go downstairs and everyone is sitting at the table.

We both sit down and Dad dishes us food. He hands us our food and everyone is talking.

While Flynn isn't looking Felix takes food off of his plate and shoves it in his mouth.

I chuckle.


Soon Ryder goes home and Dad forces me to go grocery shopping with Leo.

Each of the boys have a week where they have to go shopping . It's first Quinn then Leo then all the way to blake. So each of them has one week of shopping.

We currently are in the shop and Leo just puts random stuff in the cart.

"You can't just put random shit in the cart." I say,he scoffs.

"I can because it's my shopping week." He says. I roll my eyes.

After grocery shopping we go to a hygiene pharmacy shop.

"You need anything?" He asks bluntly.

I nod. "What do you need?"

Lady things duh. I think.

I don't answer and he rolls his eyes. "Just put what you need in the basket."

I nod.

I go to the female hygiene aisle section. I take all the stuff I need and put it in the basket .

Leo sees what stuff I put in.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I think

He pays for everything and we soon go to his car.



I hate her.

I hate everyone.

She's just a braty loser.

Now we are in my car and I just hate her presence.

I hate my life.

I just hate everyone in my life, I hate my life , I hate myself.

I hate that girls just like my body. I mean I am cold and mean so I don't blame them for just liking my body.

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