Chapter 2

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We are sitting in the lounge wit the stupid boys.

Of course Vivian tries to start a conversation.

"So um...What do you guys like to do for um.... Fun I guess." Why did she ask that out of all things.

They all just glared at her. We suddenly got a text from our friend  group with boys and girls on it. We made a name called The Gossip. We change the name all the time I don't even remember what it was first ever called.

Bridget:Hey guys do you wanna come to my house?

Casey:Yeah sure

Me: Vivi and I can't



Jessie:Bro step-brothers?!

Vivian: Yeah her step-brothers. I don't think they like me. They are glaring at me.

Bridget: haha that's funny.


Charlie: Guys can you like shut up i'm trying to sleep.

Ryder:Same like shut up please

Bridget: So like who's coming to my house?

Casey: meee! I'll sneak out

Me:I'll ask my mom if we can come.

Bridget: Okay byeee

I switched off my phone. The boys were still glaring at Vivian. "I think they are mad at me, Stella." She whispered in my ear. "No shit sherlock." I groaned.

"Mom!" I yelled. My mom came to the lounge to see none of us talking. "Oh my gosh talk to each other! What is this why is this so boring like Stella you have a lot of drama at school share that stupid stuff. What do you need?"

I rolled my eyes. Like I'm gonna share my drama. I cause half the drama anyway.

"Bridget asked if we can come to her house."

"No. Spend time with your step-brothers you guys are gonna be family!" I rolled my eyes.

My mom just left. And I texted bridget we can't come.

So in our friend group we have 5 girls 5 boys. The girls are:Vivian, Bridget, Casey, Ava and I. The boys are: Jessie, Ryder, Charlie, Azer and  August. We all have been friends since we were young. We go to different schools now but we all still contact each other everyday.

They are my only real friends that I can trust. We gossip, share secrets and we always hang out.

"I'm bored." Leo groaned.

"Same." Quinn said. They all looked at   Vivian and I.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Ohhh let's play a fun game!" Felix got excited. "We play truth or dare!" We all shook our head.

This is so damn boring.

Vivian tried to start a conversation again. This time she was a bit more commanding. "So let me ask again. What do you guys like to do for fun?"

They all groan. "Football." Quinn said. Well that's a boring answer.

They all said football. Vivian sighed.

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