Memories and Dreams

Start from the beginning

Y/n:...he hasn't hurt me yet. I think it's because, somewhere, deep down, he does care about me...I-I don't know if it'll be the same for you if I'm being honest...but if he does attack you, I'll be there to protect you, promise! You're my little brother, Dream, so it's my job to protect you!

Dream, pouting: But I'm older than you!

Y/n: maybe...but you're shorter than me, short stack! So you're my little brother!...even if I am a year younger than you.

Ink, blinking: You're a year younger than them? But you're an adult now, and he's a child!

Y/n, sighing: the stone prison he was in probably stopped him from aging, like how my magic was with me. I didn't grow until I was out of it. Since I was 8 when I was forced to sleep, Dream was around 9 when he was put in the stone prison...and you said that it's been a year, yeah?

Ink nods and Dream still clings to Y/n, not wanting to let them go.

Y/n: That means he is 10 now...and Ink, please don't get involved if you see Nightmare. Just come and get me if it happens, okay?

Ink nods, writing something on his scarf. Dream looks up at Y/n with wide eyes.

Dream: d-does this mean I get to stay with you, sister?

Y/n nods, patting Dream's skull.

Y/n: yeah. Can't let you stay with the spaz.

Ink, offended: hey!

Y/n, ignoring him: Besides, you need some familiarity to get used to everything...I'm sure Ink tried his best for that year, even if he is forgetful half the time.

Ink: I am right here!

Y/n, still ignoring him: So, you can stay with me. I have a guest bedroom you can stay in while you're here...but I am going to teach you how to fight because, knowing you, you will probably want to go out and help people.

Dream, eyes wide: how did you know?

Y/n, chuckling: I was the same way when I woke up.

Dream nods, hugging Y/n more. Y/n hugs back and Ink pouts at being ignored.

~~mini timeskip- 3 weeks~~

It took Dream abit to get accustomed to the au Y/n lives in, but quickly adapted and has been clinging to them, scared that id he blinks for a second, then Y/n will disappear or go to sleep again. At the current moment, Y/n is asleep in there room and Dream is having a nightmare of the apple incident. Feeling something wrap around him, Dream wakes up, screaming slightly...Y/n, from the other room, hears this and snaps awake, summoning their scythe and running to Dream's room. Y/n busts the door down, scythe at the ready. Y/n sees Dream tied up in strings and Error now looking at Y/n with an 'oh shit' look.

Y/n, angry:...Error, I suggest you let go of my little brother now before I fight you..

Error, digging himself a grave: and if I don't?

Y/n's eyes gleam dangerously and they swipe their scythe at him, just narrowly missing his chest, but it does cut all of the strings, dropping Dream. Error takes a step back and looks at Y/n, who seems very angry, with some ice growing on her horns.

Y/n, voice dangerously low:...leave

Error:...and if I don't? What if I stay?

Y/n doesn't even hesitate, swiping at Error with her scythe again. Error, not really wanting to fight Y/n, makes a portal to the anti-void and goes through it as some ice spikes follow him. The portal closes and Y/n growls softly, before looking at Dream, eyes now soft.

Y/n: Dream, are you okay? Did he hurt you?

Dream is unable to speak, paralyzed. Y/n sighs and de-summons their scythe, allowing it to disappear into snowflakes. Y/n walks over and sits on the bed next to Dream, pulling him into a hug, wrapping their wings around him.

Y/n:'ll be alright Dream. I promise that I won't let Error destroy you. I'll fight him again if I have to.

Dream nods shakily, now clinging to Y/n. Y/n rubs his skull, eyes soft.

Y/n: want me to stay here for the night?

Dream nods, shaking. Y/n sighs.

Y/n: alright, just let me take the strings off of you. I doubt those are comfortable...

Dream nods again, still unable to speak. Y/n releases their aura abit to calm down Dream as they slowly take the strings off of Dream, being careful not to hurt him. After a few minutes, all of the strings are gone and Dream is close to falling asleep. Y/n slowly puts Dream down, tucking him in. Dream eye's snap open and he grabs Y/n's arm.

Dream: s-stay...please sister.

Y/n, nodding: I said I'd stay the night, so I will, brother. I don't break my promises easily.

Dream nods and Y/n lays down on the bed next to him, wings open. Dream immediately clings to Y/n as they wrap their wings around him.

Y/n: sleep, I'll be here in the morning.

Dream nods, closing his eyes and trying to sleep, but can't, he's too scared. Y/n notices this and sighs, deciding to at least try to sing a lullaby, even though it's been awhile since they've last sang.

(song is Wanderer's Lullaby by Ardiana Figueroa on Youtube)

Dream's eyes sparkle as he hears them sing, slowly falling asleep. Y/n smiles and rubs his head, glad they could comfort their brother...but they are silently hoping that he and Dream don't meet until they are older and Dream is more prepared for it...

Word Count: 1612

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