Taking care of the brothers

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Y/n reappears outside of their house and puts the two boys down, closing the ice portal. The two boys look around in awe, having been used to XTale's colors, and here seems much more peaceful.

Y/n, smiling: Well boys, welcome to my home! We can do whatever you two want to do since you're my guests! We could even travel au's if we wanted to!

XChara, eyes sparkling: we can travel au's?!

Y/n, nodding: yeah, but I have to go with you just in case something happens to you both, and it'll kinda be hard to respond to your snowflakes since I might be busy...but I can just do my job tomorrow. I've already handled a lot of stuff today.

XChara and XFrisk blink up at Y/n, before XChara's stomach grumbles, causing him to smile sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head as XFrisk facepalms. Y/n sighs softly and shakes her head, leading the two boys inside of her house.

Y/n: come inside. I've made some food before I left, so pick out what you want, and if you don't like it, I can always make something else.

The two boys nod, sticking close to Y/n's wings as they enter the house with them. The boy's eyes then widen, feeling the warm, cozy, and peaceful feeling of Y/n's house. XChara reaches out and grabs Y/n's paw, causing them to look at him.

Y/n: hm?

XChara, looking away:...how long can we stay here?

Y/n: honestly? As long as you'd like...but knowing him, he's gonna have our artistic friend try and take you back. I might be able to gamble a few days longer if that's the case.

XFrisk:...how would you gamble that?

Y/n:...I know what he wants, so it'll be like an exchange? Unless he asks for something else of course....but I will have to threaten Ink to never let XGaster here or some him how to get here, that would cause a lot of problems, ya know?

The two nods and Y/n gestures for them to sit at the kitchen table, and they do. Y/n disappears into the kitchen, mumbling under their breath as they search for something specific. Y/n finds it and takes it out, examining it. Y/n smiles when they see it is still good and has since cooled down from this morning from when they first made it. Y/n uses magic to give the two boys plates, forks, and knives, much to their surprise. Y/n walks out and the boys see that Y/n has a butterscotch cherry pie on a tray in their paws.

XFrisk, blinking: wha-

XChara, eyes sparkling: IS THAT A PIE?!

Y/n, chuckling and nodding: It is. It's butterscotch cherry pie, my own recipe.

(No idea if that actually exists, so you can image how it looks 👍)

XChara, making grabby hands: gimme

XFrisk, whacking his head: be polite

XChara pouts and rubs the back of his head. Y/n chuckles and shakes their head. Y/n puts the pie down on the counter and then grabs a knife.

Y/n: alright you two, tell me how much you want...and yes, you can ask for more.

XChara points to the pie and Y/n sighs and shakes their head. Y/n makes the first cut and slowly adjusts the knife to make the second cut. Y/n then uses magic to put the pie slice on XChara's plate...who immediately digs into it. Y/n and XFrisk sweatdrop, before XFrisk calmly tells Y/n how much they want. Y/n nods and gives that amount to XFrisk. XFrisk nods in thanks and starts to eat it, enjoying the taste.

Y/n: do you two want some water to drink, or something else?

XFrisk: water please.

XChara, with mouthful of food: do you have chocolate milk?

Yandere!Under verse x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora